Chapter 2 - Car Crash

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-Monday, September 11, 2000, 9:03 A.M.-

The sunny day immediately changed into pouring rain and a foggy sky. The flight was canceled. It's my lucky day, isn't it? 2 canceled flights in a row! I drove home, a 20 minute drive, might I add. The road was slippery and elevated, being placed on top of a hill. Then I heard it. I heard her.

"Twin Two watched helpless, indeed,
As a shadow flew in a distance,
And crashed into Twin Two,
Who had no resistance."

My eyes widened. I looked around. It was the ghost girls voice! My eye settled on the car mirror. She was there. Sitting in the backseat. My imagination..? I whipped my head around to look at the back of the car. No one. I glanced back at the mirror. She hadn't moved. What the heck...? Wait... I'm driving. Focus on creepy spirit later.

I peered into the foggy road, and saw the the turn I had just barely missed. "AHHH!!!" I screamed, loosing control of the motorized vehicle. The car slipped and slid on the flooded road, and finally fell off. Oh god I'm going to die! It bumped, crashed, and slid down the hill until reaching the bottom. I was miraculously not hurt, unlike my car. Those car repairs will be expensive. Or maybe I'll have to buy a new car, who knows?

I noticed a police car driving slowly on the road above me, stopping where I was below. Great. The policewoman got out and climbed down to me. Then she helped me up and asked me questions like "Are you hurt? What happened?" I told her about the catastrophe that just happened to me. She agreed to drive me home after she seemed medical care on weather or not I was truly injured, and other law things like my insurance, the fee, the usual. The summary? It was a long ride home.

Yay, you reached the bottom of the 2nd chapter! Again, what are your opinions on the story or the poem?

I hope you enjoyed so far, and, uh... I'm not very good at end credits and stuff so... bye!

-363 words-

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