Im sorry that i lied to you.

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[Y/n] looked over as he heard a knock "You don't have to knock you know?" He muttered as he looked up from his documents as the door opened, revealing his shorter boyfriend. "I know, it's just a habit. " Levi muttered as he walked over. He tried to peek at the document in his boyfriends hand, but before he could see a thing the paper was quickly kept in a cabinet. "What do you need Levi?" [Y/n] asked as he cleared his throat "if you are here to lecture me about my health then please leave, Erwin just called me and i am not in the mood for another lecture" [Y/n] said as he stood up. [Y/n] had recently been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, but no one knew. Erwin had only called to lecture [Y/n] as he had recently passed out in the middle of his shift, Erwin thought [Y/n] had passed out from lack of sleep so he called to lecture him on his horrible sleeping habits. 

"Eyebrows called?" Levi said as he raised a brow "You deserved the lecture, you really scared us brat. You need to fix that sleeping habit of yours" Levi said, only getting a scoff in response "You are one to talk, Mr insomniac" [Y/n] remarked as he crossed his arms. "I mean it, if you are here to lecture me get out." [Y/n] said as he glared at the shorter male who frowned slightly. "The fuck is wrong with you? huh? So you get to lecture me on my insomnia but once i come in to lecture you on how you passed out due to lack of sleep and nutrients you are chasing me out?" Levi said as he walked closer as his boyfriend groaned. "Yeah, get the fuck out i am not in the mood for your lectures." He said as he rolled his eyes.

"Stop acting like a fucking brat [Y/n], the one time i am putting in effort to care for my boyfriend i get attitude? If you want to act like a child then make sure you tell others that you were acting like a brat when you go and tell all of your friends that i don't give a fuck about you." Levi said as he narrowed his eyes at his partner. [Y/n] only laughed in return "Don't act like you actually give a fuck Levi, i know Erwin made you come and talk to me. You aren't exactly the type to give a fuck, i bet you just want to impress Erwin" [Y/n] hissed as he stood up, Levi lets out a growl as he slammed the table. "You know what, If you wanna act like that then so be it. I care about you, but clearly you don't fucking see it because you only think of yourself and victimize yourself so you can go around and tell people i don't care.  At the end of the day, people will pity you. And that's what you want right? To let people know that you are so miserable with me, go ahead. I can't believe i actually care about someone as selfish as you" Levi hissed "I hope you actually get cancer or whatever, maybe then you will get all the attention you want brat" Levi said before he walked out of the room and slammed the door. Leaving the male inside alone as he slowly broke down.

"Levi..i am so sorry..i have to act like that so you will hate me and not get too hurt once i leave. I am so sorry" He whispered as he looked at the photo frame that contained a picture of the couple at the carnival. A sad smile on his face as he touched the picture frame "I can't bring myself to break up with you so i will continue acting like a brat until you hate me..i am sure you will hate me once i leave." The male said softly as he held the picture. 

Levi looked down at the picture frame, his hand holding onto the death certificate  of his recently deceased boyfriend. "Is that why you were acting like that [Y/n]? I should've known...all those jokes about death and those 'if i die' were just trying to prepare me for your death huh" Levi whispered as he sat in his partners chair, tears threatening to fall as he reached for a cabinet to keep the death certificate in. As he opened the cabinet, a letter fell out and landed next to his right foot. Levi raised a brow as he picked it up, his eyes widening when he saw what the letter was. It was [Y/n]s' final letter to him.

{We will see what [y/n] wrote in the next chapter uwu}

Authors note!
So imma do some explaining as to what this story is, each chapter will be a flash back! Because [Y/n] died so this is basically levi finding out why his boyfriend was acting so weird before he died!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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