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" FINALLY IN FLORIDA AND YOU'RE READING?!" Sadie scoffed at Jack as she spoke. He was currently deep into Love, Simon and Sadie was whining about how long it was taking for their parents to rent a car.

"Ugh you're such a dork. Who even brings homework on vacation." She added after Jack hadn't replied. He finally looked up at her, unamused.

"It's called reading, Sadie. You should try it sometime." He muttered and then looked back down at his book. Sadie gasped dramatically at his sass and kicked a rock under her foot.

"Um I read." She said harshly and Jack didn't even look up from his book to reply,

"Finn Kittensoft magazines don't count."

"Wolfhard! It's Wolfhard!"

"Do I care? No."

"Don't be touching my magazines anyways."

"I would rather die than read about Finn's favorite coffee type."

"He likes just black so."

"Would you please shut up."

"No you!"

"Gladly." Jack finished and went back to his book. Sadie tapped her foot impatiently, looking at the time on her phone.

"God what's taking them so long. Just get me a car already so I can meet Finn Wolfhard!" She shrieked and Jack looked up from his book.

"Um Sadie you can't drive." He said with a raised eyebrow. Sadie gave him a look and rolled her eyes.

"Um yes I can... I have my license!" She replied in a 'duh' voice. Jack pointed to a sign smugly.

"Read it." He stated and she walked towards it curiously.

"You must be at least 25 years old to drive or rent a car from Florida car rentals? What?!? How am I supposed to do what I wanna do?!" She questioned angrily as their parents walked out of the building with car keys.

"And what would that be?" Their mom asked suspiciously and Sadie rolled her eyes again.

"Uh go meet- go take... Jack sight seeing!" She said quickly and forced a smile. Jack looked up from his book with confusion riddled on his face.

"Oh then I think your grandmothers got a good car you can borrow." Their dad said calmly and Jack glared at Sadie. There was no way in hell that he was sight seeing with her.

"Oh great!" She replied softly, looking back at Jack with a pleading look.

On their way home Jack looked out the window, thinking about what he had read. Simon and Bram... they got together in the end. Without any hesitation and no one judged them for it. Heck, Leah had a crush on Simon but she still accepted him and loved him even after he told her he was gay. So why couldn't Jack tell his family. His mom would probably be the most loving about it, take Jack in her arms and hug him while he cried. His dad might be in shock but then learn to brush it off, treating Jack just the same.

It was Sadie's reaction that he was worried about. He didn't know if she'd love it or hate it. He'd be a bullying target at school, which might make her stop talking to him altogether when they're there. Jack closed his eyes, slowly drifting off into a deep sleep.

"You're gay?!" Sadie gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. His father let out a breath and nodded.

"Okay. We still love you son." He sweetly replied and Jack felt his heart swell with love. His mother hugged him and he grinned, letting her shoulder catch his tears as he was in her embrace. Sadie ran off sobbing, which made Jack confused. He looked at both of his parents questionably and his mom touched his shoulder lightly.

"Just give her time." She said and Jack nodded. He hesitantly stood up, walking back to his room. He laid on the bed, staring at the wall. Suddenly his door opened, making him sit up in alarm. Sadie stood there with her mascara messed up and a sob escaping her mouth.

"Why are you so selfish?" She questioned and the world around Jack shifted and shook and suddenly he jolted awake.

"Jack!" Sadie said, concern lacing her voice, which was rare.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly and he wiped a tear that he didn't know was falling.

"Oh um yeah." He mumbled and Sadie rubbed his back gently.

"Okay well.. we're here." She replied and Jack forced a smile. He couldn't ruin this trip for her, not with his dumb nerves. He looked out the car window and spotted his parents already hugging his grandma, who he had missed dearly. He slammed open the car door, running out to her.

"Grandma!" He called out, embracing her graciously. She hugged back with a smile.

"Oh Jack! I'm so happy to see you!" She said as Jack pulled away.

"I missed you so much!" He said with a genuine grin. Sadie stepped out of the car soon after and walked over to what she supposed was their grandmother's car. It was bright pink and tiny. Sadie let out a squeak of horror.

"Oh Sadie! You can take it for a spin if you want! Just give her a toon up, she runs like a top!" Their grandmother shouted and Sadie frowned.

"Yeah... and ugly top that I never want to be seen in." She muttered as Jack walked over to her and patted her shoulder smugly.

"Does that mean you'll be joining if for shuffle board?" He asked with a smirk and Sadie simply rolled her eyes.

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