Chapter 1

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The beginning of a tragic start

It all began the day he asked me, the day I felt fear enter my life and that I had made the worst mistake of my life.

It all started five years ago , when I was in grade eight entering the stage of highschool even though I was not prepared I had no choice , well I guess that's life for you. Anyway I made lots of friends that year and was in a way popular , I don't know all I know is that I knew practically everyone . Things were actually going perfectly that year for me , I mean come on over seventy for all my subjects now that's not bad . And this is where things went a bit " bumpy " if you get what I'm saying, I got stuck in the worst class maybe it was because of my name or something .....Oh well.....Anyhow that was not the worst part the worst part was that my classmates were lets just say they were very full of

And mainly we got got trouble a lot and I did like nothing wrong , UGH life is so unfair , well still at least it couldn't get worse right.......................Wrong it could and it did. Half way through the year we got a exchange student  and the only thing interesting thing about that was it was a guy. He wasn't normal , he was handsome, tall and very charming ..If I say so myself.. but enough of that nonsense and guess what I had to have a open seat next to me ..great now he was gonna be sitting next to me for the whole year.. Anyway he sat down next to me and all I did was " Not talk to him" .

Days had past and I did eventually talk to him , I got to know him bit by bit but there was something that didn't add up , all his marks were in the ninety's and above . Why was he here ? They know his marks , which means he should be in the best class . That's not the only thing I've found strange , one he looks at me often as if I don't notice and two he has this journal , I've only seen hearts in it ....well he must be in love with someone ...

I was curious to what was going on , but eventually I will find it out. Now it has been at least a week and the only thing I've figured out is that , he actually just looks at me because there is nothing else to look at . To be honest I believe that cause we sit literally in front of a wall and occasionally I would look at him too , so I guess that answers that. I could actually make my brain explode , like this suspense is killing me , I just want to solve this and then carry on with life like it was before. One thing about me was when I start something I need to finish it off ...or I possibly could have a freak attack... it was just the way I went about in life.

Well now it has been a month and still "nothing as in nothing" , UGH why, so much time had gone by and I have not figured out anything. Don't be surprised but it was now end of year , he did pitch up after like half way through the year , so it makes sense that its end of year already. And lucky for me I passed , grade nine here I come.....sadly my whole class did as well , which meant we all would be in the same class again just a higher grade...Now that's swell .

Holidays were super short the only thing I really got to do was maybe hang with my friends for a week or so. And so we begin another year " Great" I mean it wasn't bad but still you know bad. Same order of the class , same teacher , same everything and still I had not figured it out.

Finally I had an idea I decided to do some snooping around like he normally doesn't go home till after I finish my extra activities after school, which normally last until four to five o'clock , that means he must do something in between that. Also apparently he  owns the storage room now since nobody wanted it , I guess he made it his own and like no one can go in there , not that anyone wants to.

This was a good idea , so I made a plan. I planned one day while he is busy walking around after school I will go to the storage room and see what he is hiding , there must be something since no one else is allowed in there. Two days had passed and it was now time for my plan, I got out of class the minute the bell rang and watch all his movements. After he unlocked the storage place he went off somewhere so I took my chance.

When I got in there I saw something unexpected and that creped me out  it of me since young like grade five and up , some of these were things I never even knew I did , but how did he get these who is he exactly?.And then the worst thing was I heard a sound suddenly and when I looked back I saw him the one by the name of " Mark" he stood there as if he knew that I was going to do this. I started walking back but he kept coming towards me , I fell on the floor, he sat down next to me and tied my hands together and then started talking making sure I could not escape.

Mark POV

I finally had her right by my side , I could now tell her the story of who I really am. I have always been there Y/n since grade five , you just can't remember me . I've liked you ever since then and eventually became obsessed I always took pictures of you where ever you were , but you just never noticed . Did you know I came to this school just to be with you , I just had to be close to you ...No matter what..

I threatened them and made sure they put me in the same class as you , if they did not I would have killed them by now that would have been fun, cutting them limb from limb, making them suffer and watching the life fade away as there blood runs out. Maybe I will still get that chance, if they make one mistake.

But don't worry I'll never harm you , your my only desire . This is my picture room filled of just you , its amazing , your just the thing I need in life.
There is just one thing " Will you be my Girlfriend?"


I was in shock of what I heard I was so scared and filled with fear. He untied me and helped me stood up , I agreed for then and we walked out the door . The minute we got to the door I saw it was sunset , I quickly turned and told him sorry I can't , I ran as fast as I could.

He was coming after me and said that there was no where to go and that he would make sure I agreed. I ran to the closet class I could find where he couldn't find me . As i was hiding I heard him coming slowing dragging his feet ....he was then there walking towards we and I kept going back and then something happened ...

I knocked over a bottle with water , which spilled on the mirror I ended up slipping and with that I fell .... I kept falling but never stopped ...I was in slow motion and suddenly a bright light came from the mirror and I went though it carrying on into a deep hole , I started blacking out and the last thing I saw was Mark holding out his hand trying to take my mine........

To be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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