A Dream Vision

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The sky vibrant, clear blue and mood serene

The trees flourished with spring leaves green

The streets full, festive and feeling alive

An image that only a dream could contrive

Eyes drawn to a mysterious presence in the sky above

Whiffs of cloud moving snake like seen at the start

To become a procession, four escorting a symbolic cloth of love

A flag white, gilded in gold and Cross in red spanning its heart

Slowly, with purpose, it came larger, closer into view

All became silent, suspended, not knowing what to do

Mere feet above, the vision was now in full sight

Then Angels from clouds did appear, the flag floating upright

From the flag came a glowing apparition, it was Jesus Christ

He spoke to all; His words were of regret and dismay

The silence spoke loud of their hushed fright

Then the ground beneath their feet began to fall away

Into the darkest of dark all were fallen, consumed

Just the echo of Christ's last word loomed

No screams of suffering or pain could be heard

Then from this vision I awoke, greatly disturbed.

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