"nice try asshole~!"

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I could feel the wind against my face but I wasn't getting anywhere soon with everyone else starting to push and shove to get through, my mind flashed with options before I activated my quirk, eyes flashing their primal golden colour to analyse the situation as my palms faces down at the ground.

suddenly the earth under my feet arose where my feet led them, the steady platforms appearing and disappearing as I see fit to travel, it did however take extra concentration as I started to run above the other contestants heads, the platforms taking me higher without injuring or blocking the path of others.

my job was to help, not to become a problem. some people however decided that my quirk was more important then the given task and took it upon themselves to watch as I ran high above the buildings to get a clear view of the arena as well as the location of the robots.

some dirt and small pieces of the platforms I made crumbled slightly as I used my quirk but it was to be expected, it all depends on the type of earth I use. this place was probably built on some sort of more malleable rock or a sand like dirt.

I shook the toughs from my head as a palm aimed at one of the larger robots, earth shooting up and through it electrical circuits and as the earth retreated at my beck and call you could see the different wires and mother boards powering the artificial intelligence,

I kept my focus going, helping those out who were struggling or injured, fending off robots and the like, the dust I had created during the fights had made it a little difficult to see but my hearing was almost like a second pair of eyes, however, there was an aggressive porcupine with a explosive temper and quirk to go with it running rampage in the arena.

his explosions and screaming making me loose focus which in turn made me miscalculate where my next platform should be causing my foot to slip as I tumbled slightly.

I braced myself for impact knowing that if I made a platform shoot up now the impact would cause more harm but just before I could feel the broken ground of the fake city and parts o broken robot I felt muscle and skin holding me close and tightly.

as soon as I could feel we were safe and on land I looked up at my saviour, my now yellow and concentrated eyes meeting with red eyes, however, these eyes where attached a smile and a head of spiked up red hair. my hero set me down with a chuckle and waved without a word before running to fight another robot.

I watched in awe before snapping out of my daze yet again, realising I haven't racked up enough points to get my spot, even if I did have a definite place I wanted to be treated like all the other people giving it their all, I wanted to treat this like this was my only shot of making it to this school so I ran, pushing my smaller body to bend at my will, using my quirk to take down a couple more robots as we went.

by now I had to be dripping in sweat, my tiny lungs were on fire and I was in desperate need of some water before Bakahoe came into my line of sight, his scowl had flipped into a smirk and his eyes seemed focused on one target and one only, the big ass robot opposite him.

my own pent up anger from our previous encounter made me run after the robot too, my palm out stretched as I aimed and shot the earth straight through its centre, hearing it insides snap and zap as well as the ash blondes small noise of confusion before his eyes met my figure.

his smirk was instantly replaced with a look of confusion as my own smirk appeared, letting my quirk cease its hold on the earth it reduced to rubble, moving my gaze to look right into his hypnotic eyes I spoke with confidence.

"nice try asshole~!" I blew him a kiss with a wink before turning to run with a confident sway in my hips, not giving him a second glance as I carried on with the examination, ignoring others as I racked up a last few points, loud crashes and screams could be heard all around me but I blocked out all other noises to focus.

when time ran out the teachers and medical support staff came to help out the injured and usher the rest of us out of the arena, I was fine so I just walked out, breathing calmly as the others around me talked amongst themselves, complaining and hoping they had scored enough. I ignored it knowing this was merely practice due to my solidified space in the school so I walked to a quiet space to stretch out my muscles.

soon everyone was rounded back up and I saw two newly familiar faces. the aggressive porcupine was glaring at me, he'd already spotted me in the crowed of other kids and decided I was un to try and make uncomfortable. instead of looking away or cowering under his intense gaze I stared right back at him, my face was clear of emotion before I turned to look at my red headed saviour.

I smiled and walked over, weaving through people to tap his shoulder, blushing slightly at how muscular he looked when you take him all in. he turned to face me but looked confused, looking right over me before I made a small noise to indicate I was underneath his gaze, his eyes snapped downward and his grin appeared again, showing off his pointed pearly whites

" hey! its you, you doin alright? still falling from the sky?" he loosened his stance to one of a friendly manor, his shoulders slumping slightly as he messed with his hair. I just smiled and fiddled with my fingers, looking up into his crimson eyes... what is it with me and red eyes!?

" yep! just what I like to do out of nowhere, thanks by the way. I got a little startled by the guy with the explosion quirk " I gave an embarrassed giggle while moving a hand to rub the back of my head, looking to the side before I hear a sweet laugh come from him

" his quirk is something for sure. mine isn't that great but I manage. but hey, yours is pretty cool too " his hand found my shoulder and a slight blush dusted my cheeks. I looked up at him and shook my head

" it isn't that great, I bet yours is real cool though. The hair seems as if it could be a give away " I reached up without thinking and touched his hair, expecting it to be hard but was pleasantly surprised at the soft and fluffy feeling

His face went a little red and he looked down with a wide grin " appearances my deceive ". We stayed talking and laughing for a moment before we were ushered back onto the buses.

Once again I was sat next to blondie but chose to ignore him and instead think about Ren, our scores, the red head and if we were good enough

It felt like we'd only been on the bus a second before the doors opened and everyone got off. Bakugou hadn't spoke to me so when he left without a word I was surprised.

We all got off and headed straight to the changing rooms. Girls were once again gossiping but I chose to just quickly and quietly get ready and leave, walking to the front to wait for Ren so we could go home

Bakugou Katsuki X Werewolf!readerWhere stories live. Discover now