Chapter 4 ~ New friend~

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2 days ago


It's Monday again. And it's the day for the Ms and Mr. Intrums. I don't have the energy to watch today. Because I have a fever.

All of the students had already gone out to watch.

"Y/n, do you still have a fever?" Nicole worriedly asked as she touched my forehead and neck

"yes. Go and watch the contest I can handle myself."

"No, I'm not gonna leave you here, You are burning hot!"

"hmm. Are you sure? You will miss the program"

"You are way more important. I'm sure I can watch the program through video later"

"Thank you." I gratefully said while my voice was trembling because of the fever.

"Do you want to go to the clinic? Nicole worriedly asked while panickingly getting up from her seat and getting all of our things ready to go to the clinic.

"I'm ok here in the classroom, I can still handle it," I said while my body was shaking

Author's Pov

"Hello, Why are you not watching the program?" Drey asked as he entered the room

"Y/n has a fever"

"Did she already drink her medicine?" Drey asked as she concernedly checked Y/n

"I tried to let her drink but she doesn't want to drink." Nicole replied

"ok. I have an idea. Maybe this works." Drey said while he immediately ran out towards the door.

"where are you going?" Nicole asked

"Just wait. I'll be back." Drey replied while he immediately ran off.

A few minutes later Drey is back. He went to the store and bought a gummy bear. Then went back to the classroom with a pack of gummy bears in his hands.

"where is the medicine?" Drey asked while reaching his hands out waiting for Nicole to give the medicine.

"here" Nicole immediately picked up the medicine from The table and handed it to Drey.

Drey woke Y/n up and Showed her the pack of gummy bears.

" Do you want some gummy bears? Drey asked

Y/n didn't have the strength to open her eyes so she just nodded, closed her eyes, and opened her mouth which allowed Drey to put the medicine instead of the gummy bear in her mouth. Nicole immediately gives the water so Y/n can swallow the medicine.

"That isn't a gummy bear!" Y/n weakly complained

"Sorry I have to trick you so you can drink your medicine," Drey said while smiling

"Good Idea Drey! I didn't think of that" Nicole amazedly said while laughing

"I often do this to my younger sister when she is sick and so stubborn to drink her medicine." Drey smiled while he talked about her little sister

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