I'm not a cliché, I Swear.

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"I'm telling you, man. There's just something about tomatoes that grosses me out. It's the texture or whatever."

I rolled my eyes as Mack went on about his distaste in the squishy, red fruit.

"But you always drown everything in ketchup." I argued remembering all the times I watched Mack's food disappear between a decent layer of red.

"But ketchup is different." He said like it was obvious. "It's not that I don't like tomatoes with in themselves. I just can't get past how slimy and gooey they are. It's gross." He made a face, that made me laugh lightly.

"Whatever you say, man."

I glanced at the clock, again which did not go unnoticed.

Mack gave a quiet little whistle.

"Wow, man." He said, his smirk almost audible in his words.

"Shut up." I said quietly, avoiding looking at him. I didn't want to see that fucking grin-

I chanced a look at him and of course he was cheesing at me.

I groaned at him before pushing him gently.

"Go away," I said "Let me have the little things, okay."

He laughed, that booming laugh of his.

"Your just a huge loser, you know that." He laughed again "I knew you liked the guy but I mean, your practically falling out of your chair checking the clock every five minutes. Lunch is still like a whole hour from now."

I groaned again with a quiet "I know." Which earned me another laugh. After a minute he added "I'm happy for you, man. I know it's nothing big but I mean you've liked this guy for quite some time and you finally got the courage to talk to him, So lunch is a good step in the right direction."

I looked at him. He always gets weird on me at random times. I smiled at him.

"Thanks, man." I said, " I just can't believe that the whole expirience wasn't, like, some kind of dream. I mean if you had seen him smile...you'd think you were dreaming too. There's no way someone can be that cute. There's no way, man." I sighed happily.

Mack just shook his head at me. "You've got it bad."

"You think so?" I asked before glancing over at the clock.

He laughed before clapping a heavy hand on my back.

"Not a doubt in my mind."

I swear that class lasted days.

When the bell finally rang I was first out the door, Basically skipping into the cafeteria, but when I got there Matthew was nowhere to be seen.

I mean, of course he wasn't here yet. Id flown out of the classroom at maximum velocity. Of course I was here first.

I decided to go through the line and get my lunch while I waited, instead of just sitting there like a creep, because the last thing I wanted to do was creep him out. Again.

This time when I emerged from the line he was sitting patiently at his normal table, but instead of being buried in a book like he normally was, he was just sitting there. Not eating or anything, just playing with a loose thread on the sleeve of his sweater. He looked extremely nervous. Even worse than me. When he spotted me he gave a little smile and wave, and I couldn't help but think that he was loking cute as ever. I know I'm a total romantic right? Shut up.

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