03 // ❝i play mobile legends❞

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got tagged by SashaDaBIpotato and lonelehgurl  !

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got tagged by SashaDaBIpotato and lonelehgurl !

i'm not much of an interesting person, so don't expect any interesting facts 😂 (most of them are going to be related to mobile legends)

here we go;

1) i'm left-handed

2) i've played mobile legends for a year and seven months

3) the first hero i bought was nana, and i regretted it so much because her wallpaper was beautiful but the model was so ugly (this was before she got revamped)

4) i used to main ruby, then hanabi, and now my top favourite is harley

5) my number one otp is harihar (harith x harley)


7) i'm the eldest in my family

8) i love short/cute characters ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

9) once i love a character, i will save photos of them and start fangirling each time i see them (creepy, yes, but that's meeee)

10) i squeal (and screenshot) each time i see someone using harley's royal magister skin, because i don't have it and i regret every single day that i didn't buy it :(

11) i have this weird obsession where i love seeing my favourite characters hurt... which explains most of my stories

12) my name starts with h and is very uncommon

13) i write stories when i'm bored, but then i'll get stuck midway and end up not posting it (you have no idea how many oneshots are left unfinished, and all of them are harihar)

[ tags anyone who wants to do this ]

don't mind the chapter title. i'm really bad at coming up with something creative lol

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