What is love?

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A simple idea has led,

to so much




To answer the one simple question,

to trace and define,

"What is love?".

It is the yet complex issue,

the one thing that keeps us,

As humans,


The thought that keeps a soldier running in war,

Or the idea that kept the 16 year old girl breathing.

The reason the mother starved and stressed,

to make sure her child was well fed,

Or your friend, 

Who took a stand so that you

were safe and sound.

Love can be sexual, 

And love can be romantic,

But there's more than just the advertised couple,

As seen on TV.

And love may be just a few hormones,

That are released in our brains.

But what scientists didn't believe,

Is that those few statistics are the rise and fall,

Of humanity.

We cannot define love,

as a single definition

Love is not an idea,

Anyone can really define at all. 

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