The doors know something that I don't know

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"How's your first day of learning a new language with Sir Joseph?" Pete asks. It was a Monday afternoon, Josh and Pete are painting up the ballroom to aqua blue with newspapers all over the place covering the entire floor and 5 large paint cans on their feet.

"It's terrible that I have to wake up at 4 but its better than getting fired I guess" Josh says "By the way, why am I the only one learning three languages?" Josh says, Pete shrugs as he dips the brush with more paint.

"Probably because Brendon is already multilingual, and I can speak French and Spanish"

That's impressive, Josh thought.

The sound of the door opening fills the room as Josh and Pete looks at the door to see dishevelled Brendon poking his head in.

"Hey Pete? Can you help me for a sec?" Brendon says, looking urgent.

"Uhh, sure" Pete says, putting down the brush "I'll be back in a sec" Pete tells Josh before walking over to Brendon.

Pete closes the door behind him as Josh looks at the door curiously but he focuses back on painting the wall.

Its been ten minutes and Pete hasn't come back yet. Josh stands up and makes his way to the door, did Pete ditch him?

"I told you, they don't want the money" Josh holds the doorknob, Brendon's voice is on the other side of the door.

"Just turn off your phone Bren, and go get a new phone" Pete says calmly

"Even if I did, they already have my address"

"Don't give me that look Pete! I swear I didn't-" their conversation became more muffled. This is something Josh shouldn't have heard.

A minute later, Pete comes in.

"Sorry for the delay, Bren was having a problem about Amazon delivery service" Pete says, Josh nods as he continues to paint the wall.


After painting the entire ballroom aqua blue which took 6hours. Pete was ordered to wax the entire floor at the ballroom while Josh was assigned to help Debby with Autumn.

Josh walks in Autumn's room to see a pink war zone laid in front of him. Broken crayons, beheaded Barbie dolls littered the floor, with the walls coloured with crayons, and a stuffings from a poor teddy bear strewn in every corner of the four wall room. Josh spots Debby and Autumn in the toy's no mans land. They were on the bed, Debby tries to calm a crying Autumn asking for a bedtime story.

"I want mommy!" Autumn whines

"Your mommy is busy, so you're stuck with my bedtime story again" Autumn cries even louder

Debby looks at Josh, mouthing "Do something!" Josh looks over at Autumn before walking over to her and gently seat at the side of the bed.

"Hey kiddo" Josh says softly, Autumn stops crying sniffles.

"I want mommy's bedtime stories" Autumn says, Josh clicks his tongue as he tries to think of something.

"Well, don't you wanna know how the unicorns blessed me with an awesome pink hair?" Autumn's eyes lit up and nods excitedly.

Josh tells Autumn a story of 5 unicorns descended from the rainbow to Josh to bless him for finding the end of the rainbow, telling Autumn how it gave him powers and how he saves the unicorns from the evil goblins, until Autumn finally falls asleep.

"Good story Josh" Debby tells Josh as she gently tucks Autumn. Josh moves from the bed and picks up a few toys that died in the war from the 3 year old kid.

"Don't worry about the toys, I can fix those" Debby looks around the room, frowning from the colors splattered on the walls "And for the walls, I guess I have to use a scrub from the bathroom to remove that"

"I can help with that" Josh says, Debby smiles at him as they set to work.

It took them 20 minutes to clean and fix the entire room. Debby sighs as she drops to the floor, happy to finish the last task. Josh picking up the last toys that are misplaced.

"Thanks for helping out, Josh" Debby says, giving Josh a warm smile. Josh stops for a second as Debby's smile went through his heart.

"U-uh sure, no problem" Josh stammers and clears his throat, thinking of a way to start a conversation.

"Uhh, um. You and Brendon were hired at the same day, right?" Debby nods

"Do you know what job Brendon was in before he works here?" Josh asks, Debby thinks for a moment and shakes her head.

"Never asked. Why?" Debby asks, Josh shrugs as he makes his way to the doorway.

"No reason, just curious"

It already 9pm when Josh finished all his task, he makes his way to their room before listening to the hushed conversation on the other side of the door.

"Arrange a meeting with them and settle this"

"They don't listen to words Pete! They're all too fucking stupid to understand the word 'innocent'!"

Josh opens the door. Brendon jumps in surprise while Pete looks at Josh calmly as if nothing happened.

"Hey Josh" Pete says nonchalantly, Brendon lifts his hand and drops it.

"Night guys" Brendon says as he rolls over to his bed with his back facing Pete.

"Yeah, me too" Pete says, climbing over to his bed and grabs his duvet that was hanging on the edge.

Josh frowns, something is definitely wrong. But tonight is not the time to asks such invasive questions. He changes into his pajamas and turns off the lights.


"Well atleast you're a fast learner, we would be done in no time" Sir Joseph says as they finish the chapter of types of greetings in German, next chapter was vocabs, and the last one was grammar. Oh boy.

Sir Joseph looks at the time "Well its almost time for your work, I guess I should leave you to put back these books I suppose" Sir Joseph says

"Umm Sir Joseph? Can I ask a question?" Sir Joseph looks at him

"You always check our background information and past job records, correct? I was wondering if you could tell me Brendon's old job" Josh says, Sir Joseph drums his fingers on the smooth varnish table. Josh is still on edge whenever he sees Sir Joseph so it is really quite a shock he could asks for a classified information.

"That's classified information but there isn't much to say, he's just an old school bus driver" He looks at Josh

"Why? Is something the matter?" Sir Joseph asks

"No sir. None at all"

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