Chapter 5: EX~

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V was dazing out of the window. Reminiscing some fluffy moments with...

Min Young

"V oppa~" Min Young cooed as she clings her arms on V's. V was reading a book and suddenly arching his head down to look at Min Young.

"Tssk~ What is it?" V blunted plainly making Min Young let go and cross her arms-- totally not pleased.

"Wae?" V asked.

Min Young just stared at him with a straight face.

V sighed and closed his book. He went near Min Young and hugged her tight.

"Ssshhh~ Don't be mad. Sorry Min Young. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Then all of a sudden, Min Young chuckled making V push her slightly on her shoulders to look at her.

"Why? Did I blurt out something really funny?"

"You're cute~" then Min Young pinched his cheeks and a creep of smile formed into his face.

He pinched her back as he leans his face closer to Min Young and grazed his nose to Min Young's


"As sweet as you~" V replied.


Abruptly, V sighed. Honestly, he misses it. He loves Min Young but there is something inside him telling him to teach Min Young how to mend their problems too. Its always me who is solving our problems.

Min Young is a stubborn girlfriend. She's confident and assured that everything she wants must be granted at once. And that's what V hates. He wants to see her, even for once, making effort for their relationship. Okay-- Basically, she's always there for him yet there just to plainly demand for this and that. And V is not that showy for fluff stuffs. That's why he tends not to solve it right away and ends up solving LQs with Min Young for no sincere or definite reason. Totally inconceivable for him. That's against his ego.

As he shifted to look to the door, he saw Min Young, looking at him intently. She was clinging arms with Jungkook who was looking at the busy Yoon Mi.

Min Young twitched her eyebrows then suddenly, kissing Jungkook's cheek, making Jungkook avert his gaze from Yoon Mi to her.

Jungkook smiled then stared at V. He mocked a smirk and walked to their seat with endearing sweetness.

V sighed. He stood up and went beside Yoon Mi.

"Hmm.. V?" then Yoon Mi saw Jungkook and Min Young so sweet. It made her mood gloomy. Then she faked a smile and looked at V.

"N-nothing. I was just wondering..." he paused just to lay his head on his folded arms then stare so perky to her, and continued, "Are you a dream? I thought I was fantasizing heaven~" then Yoon Mi swatted his arms and they both laughed.

They both caught Jungkook and Min Young's attention.

They saw Yoon Mi pinching V's nose and V carressing her cheeks. Yoon Mi brushes off V's bangs out of his sight then pats his hair.

Jungkook was holding a pencil that time and that caused him to break it subconsciously. Min Young was surprised and saw Jungkook's irritated face and surprisingly...

kissing him on his lips.

That caught Yoon Mi's eyes. She gapped at them with eyes rounded horrifyingly. V followed Yoon Mi's gaze and was also surprised. But he plainly watched them. It hurts him though because...

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