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"That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."


Copyright © Kaitlin M (aka lacunagirl)™ 2019

All rights reserved. This story can not be reproduced in any shape or form without written consent from myself. Any infringement of this is against copyright law. The characters is this story are completely fictional, and not meant to resemble any real people. The events of this story are inspired by my own experiences, but have been altered.  Nothing written is intended to insult or offend anyone.

This story includes quotation from, and mention of a variety of Shakespeare plays, namely "Romeo and Juliet" and "The Tempest". This is how my story was originally written, and I felt it wrong to change this, as the story revolves around it. I hold a deep respect for these plays, and that is why they are used.

✧║ S U M M A R Y ║✧

"I would not wish any companion in the world but you."

The words whispered out of his mouth so softly, I barely heard them over the harsh pounding of my heart. I picked my eyes up from the floor, and glanced towards the boy.  His cheeks were flushed, and he stood slouched upon himself.

"Is what you speak true?"

I came to a stop, looking at the pink linoleum floors. He too stopped, facing away from where I stood.

"I dare not deceive thee. Not when thy heart could be wounded."

Although the pink that dusted my cheeks made me appear delighted, I was anything put inside. My heart raced with a panic I had never known before. Uncertainty filled my nerves, and I could not decide what to tell him. It was true that my heart had belonged to him. A week ago and I would be declaring my love at his feet. But now my heart was in half, part for him, and part for another. What do you do when you do not love one man alone?

✧║ A U T H O R ' S   N O T E ║✧

Hello! My name is Kaitlyn (or Kt) and I have been planning this story for not as long as you might expect. The idea came to me not too long ago and I have been cracking down ever since. If you know Shakespeare well, my story is like Romeo and Juliet, but if Romeo continued to love Rosaline, and she gained love for him in return. So, classic love triangle, but complicated.

If you read the note at the beginning you would have seen that, yes, this is in fact based on my own experiences. Not to go into detail but I was completely head over heels for one of my best friends, when someone else came into my life and flipped me on my head. They both fell for me at the worst time. Don't worry Francis, I'm still in love with you. But this story needs to be told.

My plan is to write the entire story and the post chapters, so that I can update more frequently.  This should help keep the story a good quality of writing as well. This also means it may not officially release for a while (I will post updates).

I'm super excited for this, and I hope everyone enjoys it!

Thank you for reading!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2019 ⏰

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