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"Poor thing, what will her daughter do without her..."

The woman's words fell on Jin's ears as he stared at the crumbled paper in his hands that read Yebin.

"I have a reason Jin, I can't quit this.."

"I can give you the money"

"It's my responsibility, I just need you to love me"

"Was Yebin the reason?"

"Her daughter has asthma. I'm worried about her, what would the little soul do without a parent?" the caretaker sighed as they looked at the three year old.

"Don't worry about that miss" Jin replied looking at the little girl. The same beautiful eyes, but unlike her mother, hers had so much more hope, so much more life in them

"She's my daughter, i'm here to take her...."

Maybe he was not able to make her eyes shine, but her daughter, she was the only trace of hers left in this world, and Jin was ready to accept anything that was a part of her, that was a part of Hyebin.

His Hyebin.

His Hyebin

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