Chapter 6: Daddy To The Rescue

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-A month later-

Madison never did get that kiss he wanted a month ago. School started back up they were now in the 8th grade. Madison was at her locker when she heard laughing and she saw Bucky making out with another cheerleader. She slammed her locker and walked away wiping tears Bucky seen her and said "I'll be right back Ansley." 

He ran after her "Madison Madison wait what's wrong? Why did you slam your locker like that." he said 

"Just leave me alone. I guess that I was only gorgeous to you when you were drunk and high." Madison said then walked away. 

That afternoon Ansley rode home with them in Winnie's car. Madison was in the kitchen with Winnie doing her homework. "When my mom coming home" She said 

"Honey what's wrong.." Winnie said

"I just want to go home.." she said 

A few minutes later Ellie came in "Thank god can I please go home.' she said as she took her moms keys and grabbed her stuff as Bucky came down with Ansley. Madison ran out door before anyone could say a word. 

"Did something happen?' Ellie said 

"I don't know" Winnie said 

"Ellie I would like for you to meet my girlfreind Ansley Davis." he said 

Ellie looked down "I know what's wrong with my daughter now Winnie. It's very lovely to meet you Ansley." then she walked out. 

"Where's Maddie." Ansley said 

"She went home " Winnie said 

That night Ellie said "Josh honey your daughter needs you." 

He looked at her confused he went upstairs to find her laying in bed. He laid beside her "Baby what's wrong mama said you needed me." 

She hugged him so tight "Oh baby what happened?' he said 

She started to tell him everything and about her day having to watch him kiss another girl. Josh closed his eyes this was why he didn't want them flirting around or dating each other. James was a player in his younger days he met Winnie during their junior year after Ellie set him up with her and he grew up after that. 

"Shh baby it's okay." he said as he hugged her. He kissed her head and held her till she fell asleep he walked downstairs. "Josh honey.." Ellie said as she saw him walk out. 

He walked next door Winnie let him in "Josh..come in what's wrong.." she said when she could tell he was pissed. 

"Joshua' James said

"You asked me a long time ago why I didn't like the fact that they were flirting around when they were 4 years old when he tried to feed her a smores. Why I asked you to stop him from flirting with her a month ago. Why I made her leave when he got to handsy. My daughter just informed that your son wanted to kiss her after we left the room that morning but he didn't want to get her in trouble cause we were downstairs that was a month ago James..and tonight I came home to a broken hearted daughter because he was at school today kissing some girl and he has yet to kiss her. He's turning out to be just like you!" Josh yelled. 

Bucky was upstairs getting ready for bed and heard what Josh said. "Joshua come on man don't do that. Don't be like my dad who reminds me every day that my son is just like me." James said 

"How many girls did you date before you finally found a girl that you wanted to be serious about. How many girls did you take to the woods to fuck James..I know you I know how you were in highschool that's why I have pushed so hard for him to not break her heart." Joshua said 

"I didn't mean to hurt her Uncle Josh..I just um " he said 

"You just what James forgot that you wanted to kiss her or was you still drunk..stay away from her. The vacation trip is cancelled." Josh said 

"Joshua" Winnie said 

"No..he hurt my daughter she didn't deserved to have her emotions played with." Joshua said as he walked out. 

"Daddy I didn't mean to hurt her I just I don't know." Bucky said as he started to cry. 

"James it's okay. Josh is just upset and that's his baby girl honey don't get upset" Wiinnie said 

The next day Bucky waited at her locker to apologize but she never showed up. He went next door when he got home Ellie opened the door "Can I see her please." he said 

"I'm sorry little James I've been given strict instructions of not letting you see her.' Ellie said

He looked down and walked home he walked into his house and slammed the door. Winnie said "Honey did you get a chance to apologize." 

"No.. Ellie said that Josh gave her instructions to not let her see me." he said as he went to his room. 

That night when James got home for dinner Bucky was quiet with his elbow on the table playing with his chicken. "What's wrong son?' James said

"James don't.." Winnie said 

"I'm done mom." he left the table. 

When she made sure he wasn't in ear shot "Josh has banned him from his house. He wanted to apologize so he said he waited at her locker she never showed up at school. He went over there after school to apologizie cause we seen Ellie's car in the driveway. Ellie told him that Josh gave her strict instructions to not let him see her. I called her apparently she's no longer allowed over here either she's going to start staying at Jolene's after school. " Winnie said 

James shook his head and whispered "Asshole." 

That weekend she had a dance competition for her hip-hop class that she takes.  She signed up to do a solo performance a month ago and she picked her song a week later cause she started to think that Bucky was playing with her emotions.

"Up Next Madison Baylor' then she walked out in her outfit as her song started up which "Black Widow"  and she started do her routine. Bucky looked down he knew why she picked it. 

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