Chapter 3

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I was walking towards the class with my new best friend when suddenly a boy with a black tail push me when I saw his tail I was a little scared because I thought it was a night wolf but then I remembered that dark wolves also have black tails so after I thought of that I calmed down a bit after a few minutes of walking me and my new best friend finally made it to class the teacher wasn't there so we picked our seats I sat in the front row and daisy sat beside me after a few minutes a kid with dark black hair ears and tail walk in the classroom and shot a glare at me he keep glaring at me while walking towards me I think I even heard him growling when he was in front of my desk may I help you I said yea actually you can he said still glaring at me what can I do then I asked kinda scared can you and your green hair friend move so me and my buddy ash sit he said when daisy heard him said the name ash she got kind of scared of them both she was about to say of course but then I but in and said no actually we will not move we came here first and took these desk first and we are gonna sit here so how about this you take you self and your friend ash and go to a different desk after I said that my friend daisy looked at me shock and said in a faint whisper are you mad you just said that to a night and fire wolf after she said night wolf I was shocked and looked back at her she also said still talking in her faint whisper we should probably move after she said that the night wolf but in and said you should listen to your friend and be a weakling like her instead of acting all tough.

(What do you think will happen after what that night wolf said)

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