Not Fair

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❄Elsa's P.O.V❄
I'm Elsa FrostDale and I'm getting a divorce from my husband Jack FrostDale. I'm glad I'm divorcing him. He won't let me get a job. He won't let me leave the house and he won't even let my friends come over. He can be sooooooo bitchy. But enough about him, I'm moving to San Fransokyo to study under a professor named Hiro Hamada. Not only will I be studying under him I am living with him. Well wish me luck! Oh one last thing I happen to be a werewolf!

📱Hiro's P.O.V📱
I'm Hiro Hamada and I have a student named Elsa to come study and live under me. She just got a divorce, I think she'll be perfect for him. My phone just beeped.
(Bold=Elsa, Regular=Hiro)
Hi Hiro, I'm on my way the GPS say I'm five minutes away.

Good I'll be waiting.

See you when I get there!
(End of chat)
I can't wait for her to get here! So she can study more about our history as werewolves
My little bro is having a student of his come over to stay with us. Won't this be fun (note my sarcasm). I don't want her here because I already have a girlfriend her name is Tooth short for Toothiana. And she is H.O.T
H) Hoe O) Open T) Tough. But not a werewolf like me and my pack.

What do ya think so far?
Message me whenever you want me to update or change things

Love u my little Butterflies
Party out!

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