🐺My Second Character🐺

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(Going to find a new picture for the looks and fixing)

Name: Eric Howlett

Age: 19 (depends on the rp)

Gender: male

Mutant/human: mutant

Brotherhood/X-men: brotherhood and X-men

Superhero name: Darkclaw

Looks: Eric has wild Spiky brownish Blond hair that is shoulder length and wavy with Brown highlights. He is muscular. his height is 5'8. He has Light Tan Skin. His eyes color is brownish green with slight gold. He has fangs. He has a scar on his neck. He has large whipped marks on his back and his chest. He has a huge wolf tattoo on his left shoulder. He has Huge burn marks on his right Arm and scars on his left arm. He wears a short sleeve white shirt and a Black leather jacket. He wears ripped up jeans and he wear black combat boots. He wears Black Leather fingerless gloves. he wears a collar around his neck. He wears Double-sided Stainless Steel dog tags one of the dog tag named Eric and the other dog tag named Weapon X2. He has 2 piercings on his right eyebrow and has his brownish blonde wolf ears pierced but his right wolf ear is missing a piece. He has a brownish blonde wolf tail.

Superhero suit: wears a suit kind of like (Malcolm Merlyn's dark Archer) There is armor on the Suit. the suit is black with little bit of silver. And the suit has a hood. Also, the suit is He wears black leather fingerless gloves and wears Black combat boots. He has a black bandana around his neck that covers his mouth. Also, the suit doesn't ripped when he turned into his wolf form also, he wears a mask that is like the arrow's mask instead it is black and green(Updating)

Personality: He is a fierce and fiercely loyal mutant. he can be brave, Fearless, stubborn, loyalty, mischievous, enjoys toying with his victims, funny, reckless, selfless, sometimes Selfish, Cranky, politely, Childish, Independent, kind, caring, flirtatious, sarcastic, dramatic, tough, he is Rebellious, Wild, Troublemaker, protective. he is Very violent, brutal, ruthless. he has serious trust issues; he can be good with kids. He has serious anger issues,

Powers: He have superhuman senses, reflexes, and animal like attributes he has Adamantium-plated skeletal structure and retractable spikes comes out his forearms. he has Adamantium-plated skeletal structure and retractable claws that comes out of his knuckles that are just likes his father (Logan aka wolverine). Adamantium-Plated and retractable claws that Comes out his fingernails. He can heal super-fast but there is a problem that He can only heal on his left side of his body. He has animal side when he is in his animal side his eyes change color to red and Golden yellow and his teeth get sharper. he can go in berserker rage. When he is in berserk rage, he can't feel pain and he get super strength. He has a brownish blonde wolf tail, and he has brownish blonde wolf ears too. He has wolf DNA in him. He stops aging at 18 years old.

Weakness: can't control his anger, can't control his animal side, when he goes in berserker rage. His tail because he hates when it gets touched or stepped on. He hates going on an airplane.

Skills: master with guns and throwing knives. also, really good at combat fighting. Master of shooting bow and arrow also master with axes, Master with Swords. He is a train assassin and a soldier.

Weapon: guns, knives, bow and arrow, axe, swords

Likes: Breaking Rules, causing Trouble, Doing Pranks on people, skateboarding, spray painting, playing video games, the woods, being outside. Eating Meat

Dislikes: he hates being in an airplane!! Also, his anger, William Stryker, being treated like animal, being experiment on.

Crush: None

family: He is the son of Logan aka Wolverine; He is victor Creed aka sabretooth's nephew. He doesn't know his mother's name

Backstory: Eric is mutant. He was born bone claws that comes out of his knuckles that are just likes Logan aka wolverine. Also born with really Sharp Fingernails and bone Spikes out of his forearms. He is born with superhuman senses, reflexes, and animal like attributes. he was taken from his home by William Stryker when he was 4 years old. He got experiment on after the experiment he started having Adamantium-plated skeletal structure and retractable claws that comes out of his knuckles that are just likes Logan aka wolverine, Adamantium-plated skeletal structure and retractable Spikes comes out his forearms. He started having Adamantium-Plated and retractable claws that Comes out his fingernails. he has animal side. he started training to fight and control his powers and to become a soldier for William Stryker. Also, he is a trained assassin for William Stryker. Also, his code name is weapon X2. he escaped from William Stryker. he was 16 when he escaped from Stryker. He was running from Stryker long time He joined the brotherhood because they found him the the sidewalks. But later Stryker found him know he went back to running. He found the X-men mansion he stayed there. Then he joined X-men when he found out that Logan aka wolverine is his father.

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