Seeing Blind pt. VII

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By: zedi

Chapter 7: Oh, no I, you're too good to be all mine, Now I'm lookin' in your eyes

Harry's POV

Harry never thought himself a kleptomaniac, but here he is. Pulling out the sweater of Louis' he'd taken from the alpha's flat and pressing it to his face like the lovesick omega he really is.

He inhales deep, desperately clinging to the hint of Louis' scent still lingering on the soft fabric. He's done this enough times since leaving the alpha's flat that each hit has been weaker than the last, either because his own scent keeps getting rubbed over it or because his senses are going accustomed, he's not sure.

He does know that this behavior, while natural for his inner wolf, is creepy. He's meant to be spending time with his family. But instead he's in his childhood bed, curled up on his side, sniffing a stolen sweater. And maybe crying a little.

Truly his priorities are in order.

Harry's not sure how long he lays there, but at some point a soft knock comes at the door. When he lifts his head, his cheeks grow cold where the wetness there is exposed to the air of the room. Wiping at the tear tracks, he mutters out a slow "Be just a mo'."

Sniffing back his runny nose, the omega huffs as he stands from the bed and crosses over to the door of the room. When he opens it a crack, he finds his mum stood on the other side, looking worried. Her concerned frown only deepens upon seeing him.

"Are you alright, love?" she asks, reaching out to cup his cheek.

"'M fine, just woke up from a nap." They both know he's lying, his eyes red and puffy and voice rough with tears. But his mum must figure he isn't ready to talk about whatever it is that's got her son crying, so she simply strokes a thumb over his cheek before dropping her hand.

"Ok, darling. I just wanted to let you know that lunch is ready, if you want some."

Nodding, Harry tells her he'll be down in a moment, cutting across the hall after she pads away to head back downstairs. Closing himself in the bathroom there, he washes his face and forgets about the sweater still on his bed by the time he makes his way to join his family for lunch.

It'll still be there when he gets back.

The rest of his visit isn't much better in terms of socializing with his family, at least outside of meal time. Gemma does manage to drag him down for a family cuddle and a movie, but Harry insists they watch anything but a rom com. This leads them to watch a Marvel movie and Harry crying because he winds up thinking about being on Louis' couch, pressed against his side, narrating incorrectly in his ear.

They switch to an animated movie after an action scene makes him whine loud enough that Gemma, his mum, and his stepfather all pile around him with worried, soothing noises. He's not allowed up from the cuddle pile for the rest of the evening.

But no matter how miserable he looks, and how worried his family is because of this, they've all held off from prying the reason why out of him, and for that he is grateful.

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