My Aphmau RANT

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I CAPITALIZED rant because, this is a full on rant. I applaud anyone who wants to defend a person from haters but, it's come to the point in the Aphmau community where I swear to Irene that I've written this rant five times and deleted it because, I don't want people to think I'm hating on Jess and BluJay studios. At this point though, there is one freaking detail about Mystreet that bugs the everliving hell out of me that I need to address it so I can move on.

This is one detail. This is one rant. This is my personal opinion. If any of you are sensitive to rants about Aphmau, then I suggest you drop out of this one. I love you all. But this is something I need to get off my chest. Who knows? Maybe I might bring some light onto the subject and people might also agree with me.

Okay, here we go. The one thing that bugs me about Aphmau with Mystreet is...

Garroth's dumb blonde stereotype.

First, let's get some background info. What's the definition of dumb? Well, writes that it's;

"Lacking intelligence or good judgement; stupid; dull-witted."

NOW BEFORE YOU ALL SAY "Oh, Garroth isn't a dumb blonde silly Candi! He's just the comedy relief!"

Okay, okay. I see where you could think that. But, you see, the characters actually have called him dumb before. Let me show you. Watch the beginning skit of this video;

Zane says after Garroth made a rude comment about Zane's eyeliner; "The same way you traded your brains for dumb." And then, Katelyn agrees saying; "Garroth did get pretty dumb."

First of all, when did attacking someone's intelligence compare to insulting someone's choice of makeup? That's a little unfair but, they basically tell him that he's "lacking intelligence", "stupid", or "dull-witted". Then, if that's wasn't enough, Garroth then states that if Aphmau wasn't blind to emotions they would've been a couple. Okay, I'll admit. That's bold to say. But, Aphmau then says it's because he made poor choices. "Lacking...good judgement" if I were to put it in's words. Also, Aphmau, I'm sorry but, Garroth was young and a teenage boy. At the age of either 15-16 if he was a sophomore. He apologized for taking away your first kiss immediately once you told him. Drop it and move on. It's been over a decade at this point. You're an adult with bigger issues that you have no idea are coming at you.

So, in my mind, I think all three of them were calling him dumb which basically just proves my point that Garroth is considered a dumb blonde by his peers. I could really just stop right here and I would get my point across but, no! I have more!

This wouldn't really bug me if you know...he wasn't the only blonde character in the main cast! Like, seriously? Out of the several characters you have, you choose the only blonde one to be the dumb or at least less intelligent one of the group? Sure. He's goofy and brings some lightness into the show but, anyone else could've done that. Some of you might not see anyone else being this way but, that's because you have the idea of these characters being who they are because Jess has written them this way. She could've easily written anyone else to be the goofy one. Or could've at least made Garroth the comedy relief without being an idiot. There's other ways to do that you know? Anyway...

Now before you say that I'm now just hating on Jess, I want to say I love her writing. Each character is so unique and has a perfect backstory.


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