Meet Me Halfway.

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A smile spreads across your lips as you admire your reflection in the mirror.

You're not usually one for make-up, model-like hairdos, dresses but is special. It's your wedding day and you're marrying the most charming, funny and amazing man you've ever met. 

His name is Roronoa Zoro and after today, you'll officially be Roronoa [Name]. 

This day is simply perfect.

"We've got some bad news." Robin's voice catches your ears, the raven is speaking to Nami and sporting a rather worried look as he glances at you subtly from the corner of her eye. "It would seem that Zoro has...gone missing."

Well, the day would have been simply perfect but your groom is a dunce.

"You're kidding me!" Nami yells out in frustration, her eyes darting over at you as you rise from your stool, anger already beginning to bubble away inside you. Of all days, Zoro, why today? "Can you call him? Do you have your phone?"

Poor Nami soon regrets asking such a question. 

"I'm in my wedding dress! It doesn't have pockets! Who has pockets?! Have you ever seen a bride with pockets?! When I went to my fitting at Empress Boa's, the one thing I forgot to say was; give me POCKETS!"

And just that, Nami looks completely horrified and Robin seems as though she's on the verge of bursting into laughter. 

And you're just boiling with anger, you're running on 3 hours sleep, mainly due to your own excitement for your big day but it's now just a mess.

"We could go and look for him around the town? I think a stroll will do you some good." Robin calmly suggests and under any other circumstance, you'd probably agree with her but right now, she only earns herself a face-melting glare.


"Yes, you look lovely. Now let's go and find your groom."

Taking a long and very-much-needed deep breath, you agree to the raven's idea before exhaling, your shoes already beginning to hurt as you make your way toward the door of the hotel room you were getting ready in.

I'm going to murder him!

Making your way down into the hotel lobby, your irritation only rises.

Your wedding guests are already having the goddamn after party. Before the wedding; before the vows, before you and Zoro even have a chance to tie the knot. 

What...the actual fuck?!

"Ladies!" Ace greets cheerfully, making his way over to you and your two friends with a tray in hand, some glasses on top filled with a clear liquid. "May I interest you in some wine?" 

Honestly, you forgot you had hired him to act as a waiter and you're almost impressed by how well he nails the mannerisms...almost.

The only reason you're not singing his praises right now is because you're so livid, you're mildly shocked that your face hasn't burst into flames yet.

"Ace. Why are my guests having the after party BEFORE THE WEDDING?!"

The freckled boy freezes on the spot, little droplets of sweat already beginning to form across his forehead as he glances past you at Robin and Nami, you don't even need to follow his gaze to tell that they're signalling to him that now is not a good time.

"Um...sorry, Miss! We don't serve that here!" The boy blurts out awkwardly before hotfooting as far away from you as humanly possible. And with another deep breath, you storm over to the door exiting the hotel, although much to your surprise, they open to reveal your groom.

He's...covered in dirt but at least he's here and looking as handsome as ever, even with the muck on his face.

"[F/n], I--" Instead of giving him the chance to explain, you plaster your fist into his chest, winding him somewhat but you highly doubt you seriously hurt him - that man is a human tank after all. "Heh! I guess I deserved that!"

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" The greenette clearing his throat briefly before answering your question with actions, rather than words. He pulls a small but damp piece of paper from his pocket, offering you a nervous smile as he unfolds it. 

"I forgot to pick up my vows...but I misread a street sign and got a little side-tracked."

Side-tracked? More like lost, as usual!

The guests all looking on at the two of you now, although they're still partying, much to your dismay. 

The greenette frowning as he tries to read the words on the paper, the ink has smudged it due to the heavy rain outside today. 

"Nevermind that! Why are you so filthy?" 

All Zoro offers you in response is a pout, a very pale blush spreading across his cheeks as he grumbles to himself. "A raccoon tripped me over on the way back here." 

A Raccoon? How?!

"Damn it, I can't read the writing!"

"Zoro, please just forget about--"

"JUST KISS THE BRIDE ALREADY! I WANNA GET DRUNK!" A certain red-haired male calls out, earning himself yet another glare from you, it's a shocker that your face hasn't cracked in half entirely by this point. These guests are killing you.

I'm never getting married again, I swear. 

Well, with Zoro, it's unlikely you'd consider such a thing regardless. Him and you are forever.

Even if he can be a giant goon sometimes.

"Shanks!" Makino whisper-yells, grabbing her husband by the collar and quietly shushing him before shooting you an apologetic smile.

Oh screw it, this isn't going well anyway and Zoro's vows are ruined so you might as well just go straight into the kiss, it's not like you need any fancy vows to know he'll always be by your side anyway.

Taking a firm grasp on the dirtied collar of his dress shirt, you pull your greenette in, your lips melding perfectly with his and earning you many cheers from the guests gathered around you both, as well as some clapping.

"Thank god, now she can stop acting like Bridezilla!" 

I heard that, Nami.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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