privith plan

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Malharota mansion

Riya : I hate u preeta

Privith : do u wat to get revenge from the luthra

Riya : yes especially srithi and preeta

Privith : fyn then you will have to do wat I tell you

Riya : tell me wat I need to do

Privith : I will you wat to do just wait

Riya : This is the end karan luthra

Both laugh evilly

Luthra mansion

Rahki : sherlyn u should be ashamed of your self

Kareena : u can even cook

Sherlyn : I sorry aunt

Kareena : wat a shame I will ask preeta to prepare the food u can leave

Sherlyn : preeta preeta preeta
I will make sure this luthra paid for this and I know who get the job done

Ring . . . . .

Sherlyn : hello punny

Privith : hello darling re u missing

Sherlyn : shut u were are u

Privith : why will u care to know

Sherlyn : wat is ur plan of
destroying the luthra

Privith : I don't like someone questing my ability

Sherlyn : shut up I wat to make sure is it a good plan

Privith : fyn

Sherlyn : wow I like the plan but will Riya do help us

Privith : yes

Sherlyn : this will be the end of the luthra

Both laugh evilly

PREERAN : PAINFUL LOVE  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang