Chapter 20

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"Your birth mother's here."


"Your birth mother is here Taehyung. She wants to see you."


"I don't know, Taehyung. Just come home. I need you to come home this instant. Now."

With that, Taehyung ended the call and ran to who he need the most right now...Jungkook. Grabbing the boy's wrist, he picked Jungkook's and his bag up in a hurry.

"Jungkook, we're going home. Let's go." Startled, Jungkook manages a goodbye to Jimin and Hoseok, the two wave back and stare at the leaving pair's backs.

"T-Taehyung hyung, what's this about?"

"My mom."


"My mom, kook. My real mom's at home. My birth mother. The woman who left me." Taehyung said, glaring at everything as he ran holding Jungkook's hand. Jungkook though still quite raddled up understood and they made their way home faster. When they were infront of the door, Taehyung hesitated twisting the door knob hesitating wether he should twist and open it and meet his mother...or not. Unexpectedly, the door opens as if it was reading Taehyung's mind.

"I'll just be leaving-" Taehyung was suddenly met with a woman. She had long brown hair, waves reaching her arms. She wore a frown as her eyebrows were furrowed, her eyes held a dash of sadness and longing... She was about to leave the door but was met with a young boy. That young boy looked had the same eyes. That young boy had the same lips. That young boy grew up and...that young boy looks like her. With that, she uttered out a breath.


"Taehyung..." The woman said in almost a whisper. "Oh my goodness, Taehyung!" The woman said as she hugged the boy. Taehyung stayed still not knowing what to do. Is this the woman that left me?... He thought. He thought, why now? Why come back now when he was happy and contented?

"It's been so long! So, so long...I miss you so much." The woman cried out, tears rolling down her cheeks. Taehyung didn't know what to do so he stepped back, making the woman's hold on him release. As if on cue, Jin walked to the door and spoke up, cutting the silence.

"Let's talk inside." And they all walked inside the house. Once they all settled down, cold and awkward silence filled the supposedly happy air.

"Why..." Taehyung started, his head down as his hear covered his face. "Why did you leave me?" The woman sighs.

"I-I didn't intend to... Your father, he..." She looks away. "He wasn't suppose to be your father. I was just walking at night. I just came back from work. I was only 16 for god's sake and I-I had a boyfriend... I had a boyfriend and I was suppose to go to his house. I didn't think a-anything wou-would happen to m-me-me when I was going to go there. But I-I...I-I was r-r-ra-rape-ed-d-d an-and I don't wanna talk about that part...but anyway, I was so shocked I wasn't able to go to my boyfriend's house. I-I just lied down there on the pavement until I had enough energy t-to go b-ba-back home. I, I told him. I told him what happened and I-I expected him to-to h-he-hel-help m-me... I-I... When I told him, h-he l-l-le-left me. Anyway, I was all alone until a friend helped me. Do you know JiSoo? Jeon Jisoo? Well, she's helped me through it all. But, we knew we wouldn't be able to handle a child because even she doesn't have one. So, we put you in an orphanage. W-We left you on their door. We decided that we'll come back for you when we're ready. Well, now I'm ready! But, I don't know what happened to Jisoo. She just disappeared one day. I miss her and I ended up loving her along the way. A-an-anyway, I'd love to have you back but...I see that you're happy here. I'll just...go." She said as she stood up. She was about to leave out the door, but Taehyng spoke up.

"Wait." Taehyung stood up. "I understand what you went through and I forgive you.'re right. I'm happy here. I love the parents I have and they're the best. It's just that I don't want to lose you again. Can I get your contact so we can meet up and catch up? What's your name? When are you free?... Mom?" Taehyung uttered. The woman widened her eyes, looking like she stopped breathing. She let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding and smiled, eyes glassy. The woman burst into tears, waterworks rolling down her face again and she handed her phone.

"I'm Lee Jennie." She smiled through her tears.

Taehyung walked inside the room. Jungkook was all cuddled up in a blanket. So cute... Taehyung walks to the wrapped up bunny and started rambling.

"Hey, kook! Wanna hang out tomorrow? I saw this new ice cream place and it's adorable. The owner there owns a dog and it's kinda cute because it greets everyone who opens the door and — wait, kook. Kook, why are you shaking?" Taehyung said as he hurriedly went in front of Jungkook. Holding his shoulders, he looks into his brown doe eyes worriedly.

"Kook, Kookie, are you okay? Why are you shaking, bun?"

"M-My mom, Tae."

"What about your mom, kook? Did she hurt you again? Jesus Christ-"

"Tata hyung..."

"Yes, Kookie?"

"I wanna talk to my mom again."  Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and frowned, worried.

"Babybun, are you sure? You're not just making a rash decision right?"

"Can we bring your mom?"

"What? Why do you need my mom baby?"

"Hyung..." Taehyung hummed in response.

"Hyung, my mom's name is Jeon Jisoo. I think your mom knows my mom, hyung..."

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