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Service has just closed and the children have left to their parents. Claudia, Agnes’ best friend and an usher in church comes in to accompany her friend home, Agnes asks her to seat down, and they are alone in the class.

Miss Agnes: Claudia, I want to tell you something, but please let it just be between you and I, I’m only telling you this because you are like a sister to me.

Claudia: I’m all ears my dear, feel free to tell me anything. She says with a concerned look on her face.

Miss Agnes: do you remember the girl in my class, Daniella Odin, the one who has speech impediment?

Claudia: Yes and why the sad look on your face?

Miss Agnes: that little girl and her siblings are being seriously abused.

Claudia: how are you sure of this? You don’t just believe tales little kids tell, and besides you don’t even live with them so how do you know?

Miss Agnes: I had always suspected her strange behaviour in my class, today I walked up to her because she wasn’t participating in anything and she told me she wished I was her mother as I sat next to her, she then took me to the ladies room and showed me her back, you won’t believe the amount of scars I saw on such a little girl, she told me the horrors that goes on at home and that her elder sister is even being sexually abused constantly by her father and that her mother doesn’t do anything to help. Oh my God Claudia, those children need help. That family isn’t perfect at all.

Claudia: a little nine year old girl with speech impediment told you all this. Agnes this is hard to believe. I mean come on, how do you expect me to believe this? Do you have any proof?

Miss Agnes: I swear to God all I’ve said is true. Claudia we need to do something to help them. I don’t have any physical proof yet apart from what I saw that’s why I need Emilia’s number, your sister-in-law who works with child social services so I can speak with her this evening, if she can at least check on them. She says pulling out her cellphone.

Claudia: I don’t have her number anymore, it was in my last phone, the one that got stolen but I’ll try to get her number when next I see her. Don’t worry, we’ll solve this problem okay? Just hurry up and clean up your class.

Miss Agnes: smiling at Claudia as she begins cleaning up her class. Thank you Cee, I don’t know what I’ll do without you.

Claudia: It’s alright dear. She says walking out.

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