Your Hearts Are Cold

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Ellie's Pov:

I looked over at my phone and gasped!


I spent 2 hours playing that game...

Hey I had to go on a date with my boyfriend Johnny Brisco, then go to 4 photo shoots an let me tell you I'm tired but I also bought a new dress it's silver, sparkly, and a long sleeve one arm dress and like me tell ya I work that.

Yep ive been up all night, tryen to get that rich I've been work, work, work, work, worken on my shizzzznuggets.

I got off to get some water and when I get back I see something weird on my phone.

I got a text from a number idk but I knew who it was when I saw the text.



Hey Ellie it's Ricky,

I just read your letter and it really moved me. It was beautiful and I knew I had to text you.

You can always text me when you need me and I'll be here for you. So will the other boys. But speaking of the other boys here's there numbers just in case.

Kian: 614-555-1289

Sam: 614-555-6824

Trevor: 614-555-2468

Connor: 614-555-4413

JC- 614-555-5790

Just in case we love you girl!



I started to scream for a minute until I heard footsteps.

"No no no no why would I do that!" I whispered and quietly put my phone in my pants waisted band so the demons wouldn't see it.

"WHAT THE HECK IS FREAKEN WRONG WITH YOU?! WERE TRYING TO PLAY CALL OF DUTY DOWN STAIRS AND WE HEAR YOU FREAKEN SCREAM!? OH LITTLE GIRL YOUR GONNA GET IT!" I see Louis scream and felt myself being grabbed by my shirt and lifted off the ground. Then everything rained down in fists of thousands. My face, legs, arms, and stomach felt like they were being torn. I felt tears roll down my face and blood come out my mouth. I started to choke on blood and I screamed finally "I CANT BREATHE!" I screamed and cried but that didn't stop them.

"IM GONNA DIE IM GONNA DIE!" I screamed which wasn't supposed to come out.

Finally it stopped but I was lifted up by my pants and carried down stairs, out side and being hung by my pants by a tree.

"This hurts this really hurts" I keep saying in between sobs.

"It's supposed to now stop it before we do worse" Harry said glaring at me.

But the only problem was I couldn't stop and soon I started to spit out blood and that just made me cry harder.

Soon I saw the world spin and I heard myself saying "God Created People, He Will See Me Soon. Dead Or Alive Your Hearts Are Cold Which Shames God And Jesus. If Only I Was Saved Soon Would I Have Been Able To Stand Stronger And Break Free From Pain." I fell to the ground and the next thing I saw was a angel pick me up and I was on my way to a world where there is no pain and suffering only Happiness where these boys I will never see as they will be thousands of miles away in the pits of hell.

---------Author Note------------------

Hey guys!

This was a kind of a intense chapter and it was hard to write but idk why but it's earlier for me to write sad and things like this not so much happy that's why this might be the best chapter so far.

Well I hope you like it and just to tell you guys I'm not hating on 1D. Just in case your about to comment mean things about me hating them or something I Love 1D and I think there amazing people I just needed a villion in the book and I had to.

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