Chapter 2 {The Outside}

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Flo picked up the leather book. Opening up to the first page, she began to read it. But only the first few entries were visible, so it wasn't much of where she came from. Or what she should do next.

Sighing, she began to walk towards the exit of the lab. There was no point in staying, anyways. There was nothing here for her. Nothing even worth bringing with her.

Pulling open the heavy doors, she gasped.

Outside. She didn't recall ever going outside. Searching through both of her memory chips, she confirmed that this was her first time. But then she also remembered that one of her memory chips were missing. Maybe this wasn't her first time. Maybe this was her third.

Or her fifth.

Or her tenth.

Or any number above that.

Flo took a step onto the hard, brown ground. Focusing her sight, she scanned the area. It was destroyed.

Flo quivered for a few moments. 

Then continued. After walking south for a few hours, she noticed that she had low battery. It should take her only an hour to charge, so she took a quick detour and laid under a willow tree. Closing her eye, her sensors began to quietly turn off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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