Chapter 2

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        Sam widened his eyes in anger. One of Joshua's friends pulled out a gun and said, "You better leave, Sam."
        Sam sighed and walked away. Then, he whispered in Elena's ear, "Wait until you get home." Elena got a bit scared by that and Joshua heard Sam tell Elena that and turned to him.
        Joshua said with a smirk on his face, "What'd you say, Sam? Come say it to me!"
        Sam turned away in anger and said, "Nothing!"
        Joshua waited until he got a bit further away and put his gun away. He looked over at one of his friends.
"Kai, grab the paper and meet me back here again tomorrow, but DON'T let Sam in. He doesn't deserve to be in my gang."

        "Ok, but where are you going, Josh?" said Kai putting his gun away as well.
Josh looked over at Elena, then back at Kai. "I'm going to walk her home."
Kai nodded as Josh lead Elena out of the ally. They both walked back to Elena's place quitely. Josh said nothing, nor did Elena. When they got to her house, she put up her hoodie.
Josh knocked on the door and Sam came out. Without realizing Josh was behind Elena, he was about to grab her.
"You're going to-"
Josh pulled out a gun to warn him, that if he did anything to Elena, Josh would shoot him. Sam sighed and didn't say anything.
Josh glared at Sam and walked away, putting his gun away. Sam crossed his arms, and waited for Josh to get a good distance away. Elena looked down at the ground and hoped he wouldn't hurt her.
Sam walked over to Elena, put down her hoodie, and grabbed her by her hair and dragged her in the house. Elena grabbed his wrist to have him let go.
"Stop! You're hurting me! Sam STOP!" Elena screamed as she was crying.
Sam threw her to the floor. "Good going, Elena! NOW I can't join!" Sam yelled as he punched her, knocking her down on the ground. Sam walked away and left Elena laying on the floor, crying.
She then got up and went to bed.
The next day at school, she wore a mask just covering her mouth up to cover her nose. Paris waved to Sam and Elena.
"Hey guys!"
Sam smiled, as if he did nothing, and waved back. Elena wanted to smile but couldn't. Sam gave her a stern look for her to smile. She then smiled at Paris, and Paris looked a bit confused.
"Are you ok?"
Elena nodded her head. "Yeah, I'm good! Just a bit tired."
"Well, okay then." Paris said walked away with Elena.
Sam whispered in her ear before she went off with Paris, "Don't tell her or you know what happens."
Elena nodded her head as she walked with Paris to go and hang out. Sam made sure they were out of sight and walked over to Kashina, a plastic girl, and kissed her. Joshua came by.
"Gross." Josh said as he walked by.
Sam stopped kissing her, and shot an angry look at him. "Do you wanna go?!"
Joshua stopped, turned around, and smirked at Sam, " Do YOU? I suggest you be careful of who you mess with. Also, don't you have a girlfriend, cheater."
Sam made a low groan and rolled his eyes. Joshua then walked away. Sam then looked back at Kashina as she shook her head. He walked over to her.
"Elena won't find out. She's an idiot anyways." Sam said kissing her again.
Elena was talking to Paris by the lockers. "Elena, I know you don't just fall down the stairs. How are you getting hurt like that?"
Elena sighed. "Well, I'm very clumsy, haha.."
Paris looked confused and shook her head. "Well, ok, I guess."
Just then, Joshua walked up behind Elene and tapped her shoulder. She turned around.
"Hey, just to warn you, your boyfriend is cheating on you."
Elena looked a bit sad, but shook her head. "No, not true. He'd, he'd never do that!"
Joshua rolled his eyes. "Oh, really? I just saw him, KISSING Kashina!"
Elena sighed and shook her head, again. "No, you're lying."
Josh sighed and shook his head. "Fine, get heartbroken," he said walking away, "see if I care."
Elena thought for a moment. "He wouldn't, would he?"
Paris shrugged. "I'm not sure. But, if he is, then let me handle him." She smirked.
Elena shook her head and chuckled. "Alright, I will."
Elena arrived in her classroom, with Paris sitting beside Elenas' desk, waiting. She walked over to her desk and sat next to Paris

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2019 ⏰

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