What Have I Done?

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I grabbed my phone furiously. On my way downstairs, I burst into tears. Feeling anxious, angry and antagonized all at once.

When I got downstairs, Steven was still explaining to my Mom. "M-Mom?" I mutter. "I don't want to hear another word from you, Sawyer. Go to your room." my mom scolded. "But wait! I told the man our secret because I would've died! You don't want me dead, do you?" I explain, my voice breaking.

"Of course you did something to save yourself and not your family, how dare you!" my mom yelled. "Excuse you?! I went through HELL trying to escape so you wouldn't have to worry! The whole reason we're in this mess is because I wanted to live so you wouldn't have to worry!" I screamed. 

"So think about your actions before you do them! Don't accuse people, don't jump to conclusions, just listen to THEM for once! Is it that hard Mom?! Is it?!" I screamed again. "Go to your room." my mom ordered. 

Furious, I left. I can't believe she dared to talk to me like that! How dare she! When I got to my room, I just decided to go to sleep. Wondering what I have done. 

I had a dream where I was still trapped in the basement with the chains stronger than ever and I couldn't escape. The man was chanting "What have you done." with an almost possessed tone in his voice and blank face. No facial expression whatsoever. 

Then he comes near me with the weak chains from before and was repeatedly hitting me with them before waking up. I looked around, nothing. Then I laid back down on my left side and THE MAN WAS RIGHT THERE NEXT TO ME. THE FIRST ONE I SAW WHEN I WOKE UP WITH CHAINS ON ME! I screamed. My brother who was right across from my bedroom came rushing in. "What's wrong, S?!" he yelled. "T-the m-man was h-here!" I stuttered while in a state of extreme shock. 

Then Steven came over and grabbed me. He was hugging me, comforting me, and I felt safe. For once, I finally felt safe. Since it was only 2:34 AM, I was extremely tired. So without realizing it, I fell asleep in the warm embrace Steven held me in. (No, the main character is not dating her brother, siblings protect siblings, you feel me? Okay, back to the story.) 

I guess Steven stayed with me the whole night because when I woke up, I was laying on my bed with Steven sleeping on the floor. Then it was time to get ready for school. Ugh.

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