A Demon in the Future

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Kagome walked out of the hut she shared with her husband, Inuyasha, and their two children that raced each other to the river just down the hill from their home. 

Once there, they splashed water at each other and laughed. Kagome sat at the bottom of a tree nearby the river smiling as she remembered Naraku's defeat three years ago. Since then she and Inuyasha got married and had two children, Ian who looked like Inuyasha but acted like Sesshomaru, and Ida, who looked like Kagome but had her fathers' hanyo ears. Her personality was as free and unpredictable as the wind. They also had another one on the way. 

Sango and Miroku have been happily married for two and a half years now. They had twins in their first year of marriage, Aurora and Terra. Then out of the blue Sango popped out a little boy about six months ago and named him Yukio because he was born in mid-December. Rin had just started being courted by Kohaku last month, with Sesshomaru's permission of course. Kagome has no idea how the boy managed that. However, with him being so protective of the girl, Kagome could only assume it wasn't easy because of Sesshomaru's personality. 

Shippo left two years ago, often visiting when he had free time, to further his fox demon training. Kirara was content with being with Sango and helping keep an eye on her children. She also went with Kohaku when he wanted to go demon hunting with Inuyasha. 

Kagome smiled happily as she gently rubbed her baby bump. 'It seems my wish to the jewel has been fulfilled... almost anyway...' she thought as she saw Sesshomaru walk towards Kaede and Rin's hut. Her smile faltered slightly. She wasn't exactly close to the eldest Inu, but after marrying Inuyasha, he grew on her and she looked at him like an elder brother. She couldn't bear the thought of him being alone for eternity after Rin marries and eventually dies. The thought caused a silent tear to slip past her eyes. 

Unknown to her, Sango had brought her children to the river to relax and sat next to Kagome. "What's wrong, Kagome?" The demon slayer asked with concern woven into every word. "Wha- oh, nothing. I was just thinking about how we all got our happy endings, but then he shows up," Kagome says gesturing to the demon lord now being hugged by a now teen Rin. "And when I think of all he's done, how much nicer he's become since meeting Rin and she'll someday get married." She said trying to wipe her tears. 

"And you're afraid he'll be alone again?" Sango finished as she dried her friends' eyes. Kagome silently nodded. Sango smiled. "That's nothing to cry over, but don't worry your caring little heart over. He's a catch. He'll find someone." "How can I not? He's my children's uncle." "Hm? Well, then do you have an idea of who would make a suitable companion for him?" Sango asked curious about where she was taking this. "Well if you could keep this between the two of us," She paused till Sango nodded. 

"At one point, my friend Yuka told me about her cousin Nina. She hasn't been able to find love lately because they think she's lying about her hair being natural." Kagome said as she finished thinking about it. "What makes you so sure that her hair is all it'll take for someone like Sesshomaru?" Sango asked. "I'm not sure if it'll be enough, but I'm confident she's not human." 

"What? How? I thought demons didn't exist in your time?" Sango asked. "So did I... at least until I met her... Her eyes glowed like the blue sky. Her hair was a slightly darker shade, but still not natural for a human, even in my time." Sango sighed before responding."How do you know the well will work for her?" She asked. "Well, um... I guess I don't but I can figure it out when it comes to that." Kagome said as her tears faded and her confidence grew. 

"Well since your heart is set on it, I'll watch your kids till Inuyasha gets back. Take Kirara and go home to find out. Just don't take too long or your guard dog will fetch you." Sango laughed as Kirara jumped from her shoulder and transformed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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