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Lets see...

Cheated by Dante. Of course, that terrible piece of shit, deserved to rot in hell.

Had to attend his sweet brother, Zane's  funeral.

Witness his own brother, Garroth, rape his best friend, Laurence.

Vylad did indeed witness some terrible stuff. But is he innocent? Well, yes and no.

Vylad was always forgotten, or ignored. Which can actually be depressing to experience, trust me.

Not only was Vylad the youngest ro'meave brother, but he was also as cruel as his older brother, Garroth.

When he walked in, to find Laurance, getting raped by Garroth. He slowly walked out like he didn't even see anything. Never spoke about it again.

Oh though Garroth is shitty to Vylad, like stealing jewelry from his parents, and blaming Vylad. But Vylad sees his brother like a role model.

A fucking role model?!

Damnit Vylad, you're fucking stupid.

You may be asking: "Um Aph? How is he innocent?" Well, to answer your question,

He tried saving Zane from Kawaii~Chan, by forcing Zane to stay with him. But no, Kawaii~Chan convinced Zane to go, which lead to death for Zane Ro'meave.

Where is Vylad now? Probably "traveling" the world. Ha, he can go suck my ass!

Traveling are just excuses to not be around the others. Who knows what he's actually doing.

Anyways, that's all for Vylad.

Vylad could've saved Laurence...


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