mother (part three)

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Well, you really hurt me this time. And this time, it wasn't even physical. I mean, when you physically left my graduation without a congratulations or goodbye.

You came in and you didn't even recognize me. It took someone saying my name for you to recognize me. The last time I saw you was 3 weeks ago. I had no change in my appearance at all over that time but you needed someone to say my name to know it was me. That was just the beginning. That caused me to nearly have a panic-attack-mental-breakdown combo but luckily, I have some supportive friends who distracted me from your existence.

Now the part that broke me. It was great that you showed up, it's been over 2 years since you've done such a thing, but you didn't even stick through it all the way. You left in the middle of it. You left without a goodbye. I watched you walk out of the room with lifeless eyes. I felt my heart shatter in that moment that you didn't even care enough to pull through one singular two hour long ceremony that I missed a dress rehearsal for. It also angers me that you didn't bother to sit through this monumental moment in my life. Four years of middle school have come to this. So much effort and energy and learning rights and wrongs, but you put it all down the drain and you made it feel like it wasn't worth it with your blank expression.

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