chapitre deux

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valentín laid on his bed and stared at the tablets in his hands. he had got these from a random party once. he had done LSD before but never in tablet form. he took a drink of water from the glass next to his bed and popped one out of the pack and placed it on his tongue, and let it dissolve.

it didn't take long until it started working. every time he would blink something new would happen, like the posters in his room of different things would start moving. like one of the posters of a band would start walking back and forth on the stage over and over again. bright colors would replace the boring beiges and browns and blues he had in his room. they would become bright pink, blue and green, along with yellow. he began to sweat, as if he had been working out. he panted and picked up the glass of water. before drinking he looked at what at first was his reflection and then the longer he looked, more eyes began to overtake his face for what felt like ten hours. he finally took a drink of water and stood up, grabbing onto the wall and stumbled forward. the feeling of being refreshed let new hallucinations appear. he watched as the boy from the concert began to appear. at first it was one, then two, and then twelve. they kept appearing until the boy was the only thing that took up the space in his room. he walked for ward, the copies of the unnamed boy moving out of the way for valentín to get through.

he sat down at his vanity and stared in the mirror and watched as the boys' faces all turned to stare back. he sat there for a while, each boy blinking at different time. he finally said something.

"hello." he spoke in french assuming the boy was french as well. the boy in his mirror replied, in unison, which valentín thought was strange since they blinked at different times. "hello, valentín."

he didn't tell the boy his name but this didn't bother him. this was his hallucination anyways.

"what's your name?"

"we don't know."

"i want to go back to when i first saw you."

"you can't."

"why not?"

"because time doesn't work like that."

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