♪Chapter 15♪

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Chapter 15:Goodbye.....for now

As Madison heard some one say those words she turned around

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As Madison heard some one say those words she turned around.

"Daxton," Said Madison

"Your leaving?" Asked daxton

"Sadly....yes but it's only for 2 months," Said Madison

"Yet you didn't tell me, I thought we were friends,"

"We are friends I just didn't know how to tell you," Said Madison

"Forget it I'm proud of you," Said Daxton

"Thanks," Said Madison as she hugged Daxton

A few days later has passed and it was time for Madison to leave San Francisco back to LA.

"Well that's everything are you ready kiddo?" Asked danny

"I guess," Said Madison as she smiled at her grandpa that she was staying with during her time in LA

"We're going to miss you," Said Stephanie as she hugged her niece

"I'm going to miss you all of you, I promise I'll visit as soon as I'm done shooting a girl named jo," Said Madison

"You better," Said Dj as she hugged Madison tight "I can't have my baby spread out in LA,"

"You can trust me honey she will be in good hands," Said Danny "well we have a plane to catch you have 10 minutes to say goodbye to all of your friends,"

Then Danny walked out carrying Madison remaining things which wasn't much comparing that she's staying for only 3 months.

"Where's Daxton?" Asked madison

"He upstairs how about you say goodbye to him while you still have time?" Asked kimmy

"Sure," Said Madison as she ran upstairs while doing so she ran into Ramona

"I'm so sad that your leaving," Said Ramona as she hugged Madison

"I'll miss you to but I'm only going be gone for 3 months," Said Madison

"But still I liked having a roommate," Said Ramona

"You have my brothers," laughed Madison

"Thanks," Said Ramona sarcastically as she laughed and ran off

Madison looked at the door that was Daxton's room so she sighed and walked in knocking on the door

"Can I come in?" Asked madison

"Sure aren't you supposed to be on a place right now?" Asked Daxton

"Well yea but it doesn't leave till another 2 hours," Said Madison

"Oh well come in," Said Daxton as he scooted over making room for Madison

Madison sat down

"You know it was nice being your girlfriend," Said Madison

"Yea and it was nice being your boyfriend," Said Daxton

"Do you promise me that no matter what happens in 3 months or a year or 3 from now that we would always be best friends?" Asked Madison holding up her pinky finger

"I promise," Said Daxton as he intertwined his pinky with Madison's pinky

"Well I better go my grandpa waiting for me," Said Madison

"I hate to say goodbye to you,"

"I know but we will see each other again.....I promise," Said Madison as a tear triggered down her face

Daxton hugged Madison while Madison hugged back

"Goodbye Dax,"

"Goodbye Madison,"

After they said that Madison walked out of the room and out the door of her childhood home in San Francisco and walked to grandpa Danny's car

"Are you ready?" Asked danny

Madison let out a muffled sigh

"Ready as I'll ever be," Said Madison

Then they left

But this wasn't the end of the story just yet

I'm thinking about making a sequel to this where Madison comes back home after 3 months do you think I should do it?


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