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I was looking back through the comments and I saw two for Niam. So once again, here I am. I saw this book has over 100 reads. I think that's what it was, but either way it's over 50 and that's good enough for me. When I started writing thesethey were pretty bad, I like to think they improved. I thought it was only Aleeshea reading this, but I saw ten reads on a chapter and was like, "damn." I had a point for this, I don't know if it came across easily.

Oh, if you want me to write a certain ship, you can comment or message me or something. I have a twitter and tumblr with the same user name as this account. (aexis1465) Ok, I'm rambling, I'll just get on with it.

Niall ' sPOV

Good, I think. They left.

I go up go the front door and take my pin out of my pocket. I pick the lock and continue my way into the strangers house.

I walk through their front hallway and into the living room.

I turn on the light and go through every drawer.


I turn off the lights and walk into the kitchen. I don't bother turning off the lights and I just go through anything in here. I find nothing, but a few hundred dollars.

I skip the rest if the downstairs and go into the master bedroom.

I rifle through the jewelry box when I hear a door open and close downstairs.

I grab my knife and slowly walk down the stairs.

But when you have luck like I do, I trip over the last few steps.


Someone dressed in all black similarly as I turns to me holding a gun.

"What?" We both say.

"What are you doing?" He gently puts his gun down.

"Robbing a house. What are you doing?" I answer.

"Damn it! Are we seriously robbing the same house?" I follow his actions putting down my knife.

"Don't go into the kitchen and living room." I warn him. "There is nothing in there."

"What should I believe you?"

"Listen Buddy, the closest thing I have come across that's worth anything is a jewelry box. And I'm sure it's all fake."

"Ok, do you just want go get something to eat?" He asks.

"I should probably get dressed into something else first. Meet you at the place down the road from here?" He nods and we both go our own way.

When I get to my house I run up to my room and change into normal clothes.

I rush back downstairs and grab my keys and drive to the place I said I'd meet the guy.

I walk in and notice he hasn't arrived yet. I just sit at a table and wait.

"Hey stranger." Someone says behind me.

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