Midnight Chats

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(A.N. I finally have a plan for where I want this story to go, Y'all might hate me for it but let's go, sorry for leaving you guys without an update for a long time I didn't expect this book to get as popular as it did and I didn't expect that many people to like it but without further ado, let's get to it.)

Todoroki [POV]

I don't know when I fell asleep but I guess I did because the next thing that I remember was waking up to an empty bed and moonlight wafting in through the mostly closed curtains.  I groaned rolling over to my side rubbing my eyes searching for where Izuku could be.

"Izuku~?" I asked sitting up waiting for my eyes to adjust to the dark, my heart started to speed up in my chest

"God what if something happened?" I thought to myself as I swung my feet over the side of the bed.  I jumped when I heard the door slowly open

"Shoto?" I heard Izuku ask sleepily

"Where did you go?" I responded waiting for my eyes to adjust to the dark which they did quickly

"Just to the bathroom sorry did I wake you up?" he asked sitting back down on the bed leaning his head on my shoulder

"No I just woke up and found you gone, I thought something could have happened to you" I admitted sheepishly wrapping my arm around his waist

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to make you worry?" he responded leaning into my touch

"How are you feeling?" I asked laying back down slowly pulling him down on top of me

"Kinda weird I guess if we're being honest about everything but it's not the weirdest thing that I've experienced" he responded running his fingers through my hair "I'm not in pain which is good, at least for now I'm not, were you in pain?" I frowned slightly, he had told me the truth and I knew that I had to tell him the truth but at the same time I didn't want to scare him.  Finally after a few moments of silence I sighed before I spoke

"Yes, it wasn't that bad though it's good that you're okay" 

"That's a lie" he muttered sleepily

"What?" I asked a bit taken aback

"That was a lie, you said that it wasn't that bad, that was a lie wasn't it you just don't want to scare me, am I correct?" he insisted firmly though his voice was a bit groggy from sleep

"Was it that obvious?" I rested my hand on his back rubbing gentle circles

"Yes it was, so that means I was correct?"

"Yes you were correct, it hurt pretty bad I just didn't want to scare you" I sighed again finding the lack of heat coming from his skin a bit unsettling though I'm sure that's how it felt for him.  "I didn't mean for this to happen, I didn't want this to happen at all and I hope you know that I truly am sorry for this.  I didn't know that it would happen"

"I know that you didn't Shoto" he reassured me "you don't have to feel bad about it, I know that you didn't mean it, you're not a person that would do this on purpose.  Kacchan is, but you know better than that" he looked up at me a small smile on his face the moonlight reflecting off of his skin in an almost angelic like way.  "And I don't want you to feel bad about it we'll get through this like we've gotten though everything else though instead of having the class involved it's just the two of us"

"Speaking of the class" I started feeling my words start to falter in my throat "Should we tell them about the current situation, like I know that Uraraka told Aizawa about this situation and what happened but should we tell the class or should we keep it a secret?"

"Mm" he muttered nuzzling into my chest "I don't know"

"It was kinda hard to tell everyone about what happened to me but we're all friends" I continued, staring up at the ceiling "And I think that they kind of deserve to know about this because like what if something happens like another villain attack or something" I shivered slightly at the thought, we had dealt with them before but it was rough.  I didn't want Izuku to get hurt either so there was that as well.

"You're worrying too much about this-" he insisted but paused for a while presumably thinking "-we can tell everyone tomorrow, it's a Friday anyways so if something goes wrong with it we don't have to worry about going to school for a few days till things can be sorted out." I thought about what he had said for a bit thinking it over

"Yeah, that's a good idea," I agreed with a small nod my eyes still trained on the ceiling "We can tell them tomorrow after school."

"Now with that settled don't worry so much, you're starting to act like my mom" He laughed softly

"You act a lot like your mom as well Izuku" I teased 

"Yeah well that makes more sense because she's well my mom" I felt him shift a bit but still I didn't look at him

"Izuku" I started cursing myself as I heard the worry and concern seep into my tone

"Yeah Shoto?" He asked

"How are you not worried or concerned about this, you seem so calm like you know exactly what you're doing but I'm being so immature with this" I finally admitted with a small sigh.

"I'm worried too, I can't say that I'm not because you will know that's a lie," He laughed again softly though it seemed a bit too forced "but I'm just trying to look at the more logical side to this, there's a supposed way to reverse this we just have to be patient for a bit"

"Yeah..... yeah you're right" I nodded in agreement

"But you don't need to feel bad, I don't want you to feel bad about this, it's not your fault Shoto" He reassured me reaching up and cupping my face in his hand

"I really like when you say my name Izuku" I commented completely changing the subject, I didn't want to talk about this anymore.  If we did I feared that the guilt would be too much and thankfully Izuku caught onto that.

"I like it when you say my name as well, it sounds nice coming from you" he insisted with a small content sigh

"You always sound so gentle when you say my name, it sounds so alien when I hear you say it so gently but I love how it sounds" I admitted a small smile tugging at my lips "I love you so much you know"

"I know and I love you too" he scooted up slightly so that now I was forced to meet my gaze "And I don't want you to feel bad about this, Shoto Todoroki I don't know how many times that I'm going to have to say this but don't feel bad it's not your fault, not at all"

"I know but that doesn't stop the guilt" I leaned up kissing him softly on the lips which cut off what he was about to say.  He didn't hesitate to kiss back his lips molding perfectly with my own.  I reached up burying my hands in his hair tightening my grip around him.  I shut my eyes content sighing through my nose.  Izuku was the first one to pull away though it didn't last long before he leaned back down again.  This kiss was gentler and shorter a small kiss, like the kind that you would give the person you love before leaving or when you see each other again.  I found that reassuring and even though it wasn't much it felt like everything.  I loved these moments, in movies and in books where time seems to just stand still and only you and your lover exist.

"I love you so much Shoto" Izuku breathed "You make me so happy and this won't stop anything"

"I love you too" I pressed my nose gently against his closing my eyes once again

"We'll tell the class tomorrow" he confirmed "And then we'll wait for that woman to come back, god we didn't even get her name, and then we'll reverse this hopefully break this 'curse' for good so no one else has to deal with it, and then we'll live happily ever after okay?"

"Okay" I agreed with a small nod

"Okay now that that's settled, goodnight Shoto, I'm tired" He nuzzled his face back into my chest 

"Goodnight Izuku, love you" I leaned back closing my eyes and letting myself fall back into the world of sleep.

(A.N. I hate filler chapters with no action and there is so much dialog but whatever it works it's cute I hope you enjoyed this pretty fluffy chapter   But whatever I hope you enjoyed this chapter whoooooo Phantomxlegend out)

Masochistic bloodlust [Todoroki x Vampire Midoriya] DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now