yours » wenga (ft. namjoy)

736 37 17

dedicated to my favourite person ever.
it's long overdue, but Blue-Piscean,
this one's for you ♡


« what if love, wendy »

In which Son Seungwan, the resident
good girl, is dating Min Yoongi, one of
the 'bad boys' of Revel High School—

—in absolute secrecy.

WG (feat. NJ) ° highschool!au
word count: 2.8k


"We're not making anymore changes."

Namjoon's tone is final, deadset and decided with no room for discussion, and Seungwan smirks in satisfaction at the way rest of the council committee visibly shrink in fear.

"It's been decided already. The fundraising event this year will be a formal ball," says Namjoon.

"But, Pres," one of the girls whines in a way Seungwan finds excessive and very much annoying. "Can't you, like, at least consider the other choices? The other, more fun choices, maybe? C'mon, we held a ball last year already!"

"Exactly! An event repeat will be boring!" another guy chimes in, and Seungwan resists the urge to roll her eyes, racking her brain for possible answers as to how these idiots managed to get into the student council in the first place.

It's another minute of the other members voicing their opinions (read: yelling over the top of one another) and Seungwan trying her best to stay calm, before Namjoon finally loses the last ounce of his patience. He heaves a heavy sigh, stands up and slams his palms onto the table surface, successfully earning everyone's attention, his authority card proving effective.

"All of you zip it and listen up for a sec," he starts, his voice steely, "First of all, I'll remind you that it's a fundraising event. We're doing this to raise money for charity, not to celebrate or have fun." Seungwan smirks. "Second of all, while I can't deny that we did hold a ball last year, you guys can't deny that it was also the most popular event of that entire year. Not one person in the whole grade was absent."

When Namjoon briefly glances at her, Seungwan takes it as her cue to make her pitch too. She stands, casting a brief glance over the dipped heads of every committee member.

"Yes, so that's why we'll be holding another one this year. In case you still don't understand — the popular it is, the more money we raise, hence the better our job is done," she explains, a feeling of triumph washing all over her.

That seems to do the trick as everyone falls into complete silence—

—for about thirty seconds.

(Seungwan thinks it was the most peaceful thirty-something seconds she's experienced ever since joining this damned council.)

"Oh, I get it now," a different male — Jackson or Jacky or whatever his name is — huffs, his tone lacing with amusement. "You're probably so keen on this ball because you'll finally have a chance to ask Park Sooyoung from the cheer team to be your date, right?" The council members laugh. All except Seungwan and Namjoon. "Speaking of which, why don't you go and ask her now, Pres? Time's ticking."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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