Day 1.

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I awoke at 'i don't know what time of day it is' and sat up waiting for someone to come through the big vault looking door. 

I waited and I waited, i was hungry but I couldn't complain. 

the room was still too dark to barely see anything inside. i felt like i sat there waiting for hours which i actually might have but it could've been around 30-40 mins. either way, it was a long ass time. 

after what it felt like forever I heard someone come into the room my arm was still chained to the wall, this guy was a bit littler than the previous people. He uncuffed my arm but it was short freedom before he tied my wrist together with a rope. I was too weak to even try to fight but even if I wanted to i probably shouldn't... it was always Coles Job to fight anyway.. I miss him dearly  

 It felt a week since the last time i ate, so I couldn't remember the last time I ate.

the guy brought me through a long hallway and we got into an elevator there were no windows in sight. we stepped outside the elevator and the guy brought me to the chair in front of the guy which sounded like he was the same guy that was talking to the camera yesterday. 

"So your probably wondering why the hell your here right?" he said sternly. "yes, i do. Y'all broke into my house! and kidnapped me!" I said leaning forward and raising my tone. "Calm down were not gonna hurt you unless we have too." he said calmly, "for what, what do y'all want with me?" I said leaning back into the chair i was in. "were using you for Ransome, thats all you need to know" he said with no change in posture or tone. "Send her back, I'm tired of her presentence, he will come to get her tomorrow." he said standing up and gesturing to the guy that brought me in "wait! who? whose coming!?" I said standing up but my hands still tied and the guy was shoving me back into the elevator doors, I didnt get a reply. 

the guy returned me to a new darkened chamber and this one had a toliet and then left. he came back about 10 mins later and had brought me food. it was slop sadly and barely anything to actually eat but I still ate it. nontheless. 

he left after giving me the food and then i wasnt bothered the rest of the day, I was in desperate need of a shower though but there sadly wasnt one. 

I soon became tired on the floor and fell asleep waiting for someone to come and eventually save me. 

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