Tom Riddle (Revised)

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If you wanted to see the original one, just click the chapter named, "tom riddle". Thank you!

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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Stupid girl, did you know what you have done to her?"

"I am so sorry, brother,"

"You don't look sorry at all,"

"I never was, it was just for distraction,"

"You are the worst sister ever,"




The two began to throw hexes, curses, and jinxes. The two most brilliant Slytherins from the same family and ancestors, far in the east wing of the castle, dueling like there is no tomorrow.

They both intellegent enough to cast many spells, aimed at each other's throat. The pure hatred is there, between them, since the very beginning of their life.

It just needed a single push from either of them to an inevitable fight, and today is the day.

One of the older sibling's spells knocked the other hard, that caused to her to bumped her head to the floor. He smirked wickedly and suddenly find the urge to finish his relative's life.

Before he shouted another curse, a voice beamed from behind them. "Malfoy, do you two know that, it is illegal to duel outside the duelling club and without any supervision?"

"I am very much aware, now please mind your own bussiness," the feminime voice says.

"As if you are not practising dark magic, Riddle, stop antagonizing the Malfoys." The older Malfoy shouted without breaking his glare to the younger Malfoy.

"So, nosey." The younger Malfoy muttered before they began to continue their fight.

The eldest nor the youngest, are going stop their intense fight anytime soon, even though if the Head Boy tried to end their duel. Because of the Head Boy knows how hot-headed they are, he and decides to act after they kind of calmed.

After a while, the intensify of the spells casted between the two Malfoys downed a bit. From the agressive verbal magic, now shifting to the non-verbal ones.

"Malfoy!" Behind the three of them, a voice beamed.

"Black, watch out!" The youngest shouted as she struggled to cast a proctection spell because she was running.

The head boy quickly charmed a protection spell. The curse then bounced and hit the youngest Malfoy instead.

She use her right hand to lean on the wall. With a heavy breath, she stared at the marks that began sprouting from her fingertips to her palm, and up to her arm.

"Pathetic, using our family's secret spell just for this stupid problem and going against me. You are trully pathetic, Abraxas."

"I don't bloody care about that, now you shall gone from my range of vision."

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ