Chapter 31: Accusations

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A/N: Hi guys! how are you all. Thank you so much for your strong patience to wait for my update. Charrowt umenglish. 🤣 Well, ang dami po kasing pinagdaanan ng lola niyo kaya na memental block ako minsan 😢😥 Kayo na po sana bahalang umintindi sa akin. Maraming salamat po sainyong lahat at sana patuloy po ninyong suportaha  itong story ko na parang decades kung mag update. Love you ❤❤



    The rain never diminish its intensity to fully drenched the entire Island. And obviously, never fails to disturb my brain of stimulating to  think of any possible way for us to get to cave instantly. I was full of worries and thoughts that even got me to ignored how Syd gained more weights gradually, she becomes more heavier,  while we having a long stride to this dense, blurry viewed forest. She's absolutely tired and I have hurt, quivering feet and back. While she's walking out of her self, Me still manages to keep up balance to hold her.

Well this is what aftermath means of taking yourself onto everyday work out.

Our drenched clothes and the  temperature that drops really hard freezing the hell out of us here. This certainly getting worse to what I expected it to be. I felt like I’ve always grasp possible  plague. And yet, I grasp Syd without her grant came out like forcefully taking her life to the end.

I am so suck up! too fucked up to even implicate this innocent girl to my tragedy. My mind was too preoccupied, as I  unthinkingly gazed up  to our way. And suddenly realized that it takes few more steps before we reach the cave.

Thank goodness we're almost there.
I really just wish these fuck up situation we have here wind up by then. If only I could snap fingers and turned everything back to where it should be. Prevent those numerous messed we did and maybe prevent us of getting here. Maybe, we're in our concert tour. Consuming our precious lives to no complete sleep. Daily practice and left and right interviews and endorsements.

I was too focus thinking about the things that we could be doing. When suddenly, Syd loses her entire balance. As me who causes this terrible situation we're in, with major speed I happen to catched her!

God! I feel like superman.

I awaited until she can manage to stand on her own. But, she didn't move a bit.

“ Syd?” I called up. But no answer. With curiosity, my sight slowly observed her face and that is when I realized she’s already passed out.
My eyes began to wide in panicked, I quickly lipped her up even with unexplainable pain in my body.

Adrenaline rush honestly doing an incredible job when it comes to this kind of tract.

I keep on walking uneven with my arm around her back, while the other arm around her thighs. Her head laid back  drooping down with her wet hair. Dripping small like crystal liquid in there. The freezing wind coming from the shore that hits every tree we passed by making me more anxious and observed Syd numerous times in my arms. And  never in my life since me and my lads accidentally came here, realized that Syd has this pretty face with her shut eyes.


What am I thinking?

Syd is unconscious and here I am praising God’s handmade girl.

Unexpectedly Mr. Famous (Tagalog/English)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora