chapter 1

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3rd pov

Allela gripped the test and felt tears coming down her face. How could this happen to me?

I'm such a disappointment. She uncrumbled the paper and looked at her results. A fucking 2/100?! That's even worse than jungkook! Smh I'm gonna die tonight, my parents are gonna beat the shit out me Allela sighed knowing she was going to get beat later and felt two hands land on her shoulders. She turned her head and saw her boyfriend, Jungkook, standing there. Well, of course, no one knew that they were dating, they acted like they were only friends in school and outside of school, they would act like an actual couple. They would text each other every day. It was like a fantasy to Allela.

Jungkook kneed her before grabbing her test before laughing at her results. She hit his shoulder. It was hard to hit him as he was a couple of inches taller than her but she could still manage to hit him pretty hard. Jungkook whined when she did. "That's for kneeing me and laughing at me, you asshole" Allela pouted. "I mean you got a worse result as me on this math test that you and I quote "studied for", are you sure you studied?" Jungkook responded. "Yes I'm fucking sure I studied" she responded.

She started walking to her locker and unlocked it, leaving the books she didn't need in there. Jungkook just followed her to it and leaned his back against the other lockers. After talking for a couple more minutes Jungkook looked at his phone and started to panic. "shit, I need to go to dance practice, I'll text you later!" Jungkook said before running off. Allela sighed and looked at his bag, realizing he left it where he was standing and picked it up. She was going to yell that he forgot it and realized he had already left. Sighing before deciding that she'll just give it to him tomorrow. She picked up her bag and started to walk out of the building as the school day was over. She walked over to the bus stop and waited for a few minutes, she put her earbuds in and started playing some songs by BTS. The bus arrived and she got in paying her fee and sat down. She looked at the window, watching the scenery as the bus rode off. About 30 minutes later she got off and started walking towards her house.

 About 30 minutes later she got off and started walking towards her house

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She walked and went to her room to leave both bags. She grabbed her purse and walked outside and went to the store near her house and bought a few snacks for herself. She returned home and went back to her room. She turned on her tv and started rewatching the umbrella academy. 

A few hours later she heard her parents coming in. "Allela, are you home yet?" Her mom yelled from the living room. "Yeah, I'm home" she yelled back. "Have you eaten?" Her mom asked. "No I haven't," she told her. "I'll start making dinner then!". About an hour later she heard her mom call her down to the dining room to eat. After the meal was finished she picked up her plate and took it to the sink in the kitchen and returned to her room. She suddenly felt sleepy, she closed her curtains and changed into her pajamas.

She turned off her lights and fell asleep. A couple of hours later, At around 6 am Allela woke up and ran to the bathroom and threw up. She held her hair up with her hand and rinsed her mouth out with water. She had a bit of a headache and returned to bed. She grabbed her phone, it read 6:05 am about 15 minutes before she had to wakeup. She just looked at the ceiling for about 10 minutes and turned off her alarm before it went off. She changed into today's outfit ↓

She went to the bathroom and brushed her hair out

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She went to the bathroom and brushed her hair out. She brushed her teeth and put her makeup on. She grabbed her bag and Jungkook's bag and walked down to the living room leaving her stuff there. She walked out the door while grabbing her earbuds, charger, power bank, etc. She looked at her phone and left for school. When she got to school she saw Jungkook talking to one of his friends. She walked up to him and gave him his backpack. "Here, you left it at school yesterday. I have no fucking idea how you forgot it here." She said as she gave him his bag. "Oh, I was looking for it, Thanks" Jungkook said giving her his bunny smile. She blushed a bit and started heading to class.

  -2 day time skip-

It had been two days. two fucking days of her waking up to throw up, she was tired and frustrated. She never told anyone because she's that type of person to keep it to themselves if they're sick. And she had had it. It was a Sunday and her parents were at work. She decided to go to the hospital she usually goes to for her appointments, to get a check-up. She walked into the building thinking that she might have some sort of bug or virus that had been causing the throwing up. She walked up to the desk and mentioned had an appointment, they gave her a form. She filled it up and handed it back. The nurse mentioned, "Dr.bravura will be with you soon." About 10 minutes later she was called, "Ms. Allela Choi?" one of the other nurses called out, Allela raised her hands and nodded. She was led to a room and waited there for a few minutes, Dr.Bravura came in and sat down. "hello, my name is Dr.bravura but you can call me Dr.Jess if you want. you're Allela, right?" She nodded, "can you tell me your date of birth?" Dr.Bravura asked. "12/30/XXXX" Allela said, Dr.Bravura nodded.

"So, Ms.choi can you tell me why you're here?" Dr.Bravura asked. "well, I've been throwing up for these past two days, I've felt fatigued and exhausted." Dr.Bravura typed the symptoms in, "alright, I need you to pee into this cup and bring it back, about to here." she pointed to the line on the outside of the cup. Allela went to the bathroom and came back with the cup. Dr.Bravura had left the room for a bit and came back. Allela handed the cup to Dr.Bravura. "we're going to take a bit with the results, in about 15-20 minutes." allele nodded and went to the vending machine near her room and got water and a snack. she returned to her room and sat down. After waiting in the room for about 20 minutes, Dr.Bravura had come back to the room she was in. "So, did you guys find something?" Y/n asked her. Dr.Bravura sat down and turned to Allela. "Ms.choi, there's no other way to say this but... you're pregnant, congratulations!"

-Y/n pov-

The world seemed to stop, I felt as if my world had started to collapse."W-what?" I asked my doctor, Dr.Bravura. "A-are you sure that's what came back in the results?" Tears began to build up and slide down my face. I buried my face in my hands as I began to sob. How could I be pregnant? I thought back on my memories and realized that I had forgotten my pill a few times and that Jungkook and I had recently had sex. I gasped. Oh, God...

Dr.Bravura turned towards me, "we have options for you" she handed me some pamphlets, each showing a different option. "I need to think about it," I told her. She nodded and let me leave.

I had left the hospital and had just gotten home. I shut the door and pushed my back against it before sliding down and landing on the floor. I felt more tears streaming down my face. I'm only 14 years old... What am I going to do? My parents are going to disown me... She thought to herself. I need to tell Jungkook.


Hey guys! Author Nim here. This is the first chapter for this fanfiction, I hope you like it and let me know what you think. I'm not a very good writer but yeap. See you on the next chapter!
Word count: 1409

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2019 ⏰

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