You meet Moto Moto

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You were talking to your friends, until one of your friend said "Look out! I think moto moto likes you!" You looked but there was just water, plain old water, until you saw that THICC eyebrows. You looked closer, then your friend said "here he comes!" Then he had aTHICC chest but a smol butt, he said some beautiful words with his mouth closed. You were amazed by his talent, and his "muscles". Your friends walked away to "swim" with the other hippos but they are secretly stalking you and moto moto. One of your friend said "MMhmm" then she fell on the water. He came to you and said "goodness girl, girl, you huge!" 

You said "who's your friend, or it is your butt?" He laughed nervously, and then turned and said " girl, you are as quick as you all have then" then you said "so you're, "moto moto"?" Then he said "the name so nice, you'd say it twice" and hold up a three finger. You were confused but said "kinda like it, tho" while he was trying to fix his two. Then he said "I'll see you around girl, it won't be hard because your so, plumply" then you tried to take a sip of your drink but failed the first time but then finally got it and your friends are screaming like fan girls.

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