My Love

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Gasp for air with your breath. Fall deep in my flirtation, let me feel the atmosphere in the words that blow from your lips, Asking me to forget this mystery of you. Let me uncover your secrets like a detective and wonder around your maze for days. Because that's the only way I can get to know my love. Keep me excited with your thought make me smile, make me magnify my lustful love, make me blush like the flowers in a Irish garden. That one day I can sing this is amor and this is true, you for me and me for you. Call my digits encoded like my 123. Glitches of thoughts alkaline of you. you will hear my voice hear my heart beating and hear my thoughts. Let me merge in the sexual pleasure of you sweet perfume and  laugh for joy remembering. My girl, my world my mind of blank thoughts. Just let me in one day you'll remember love is the seduction of true. Your the structure of times perfection. Then you will  know the mystery of my sweet perfect light your my baby my wild sight at midnight.

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