Chapter 2:Kukai vs Miki

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Kukai:For now you stay back I'll go first ok?
Yuko:Do you think you can handle her?
Kukai:Trust in me.
Miki:So you think you could beat me?
Kukai:No...I know I can!
Miki:Hmph! Then c'mon
Kukai:With pleasure! Haaaa!
Miki:Ha! (Blocks attack)


Kukai:Golden Victory Shoot!
Miki:Hmph! Take this! (Fires a blast at Golden Victory Shoot causing it to explode)
Kukai:Damn! Ha!
Miki:Hmph! (Charges)
Yuko:Kukai look out!



(Kukai falls down from the fight with his shirt burnt off and battle damaged from the blast)
Yuko:No...of all people...why him?
Miki:Seems to me that he was just weak. He wasn't able to stand up to me what makes you think you can?! You and your damn friends. Your nothing but weak with them!
Yuko:Grr...SHUT UP!!!


Miki:Lightning Blade!


Miki:Fire Style:Great Flame Annihilation!
Yuko:Water Style:Divine Tsumami!


Miki:Grrr. Haaa!





(With the others)

Zedge:I found them!
Josh:Good job Zedge. But only 2 of then remain.
Zukio:It's only Yuko and Miki. So I guess that means...
Magilou:I can sense Kukai's energy. He's not dead but he will be if we don't find him and help him.
Josh:Is there anyway you can lead us to him?
Josh:Thanks Magilou.
Magilou:(Uses her senses to sense Kukai) Found him! Let's go!

(The group flies off)

Yuko:Ugh! Ha!


Miki:Gah! You'll pay for that! (Fires blast) Ha!


Yuko:(Panting) Grrr...This is for my family and friends! Ha!

(With the others)

Zukio:We gotta get him back now!
Josh:Not only that. He needs help now!

(Back to Yuko and Miki)

Miki:Grrr. That's it! (Charges Dark Annihilation) I'm just gonna finish you off once and for all!
Miki:Time to die! Haaaa! (Fires blast)
Yuko:HAAAAAAAAA! (Fires Kamehameha)

Kokomi:Look at that!

(Everyone looks up to see the fight with Yuko and Miki continuing only to see a clash between blasts)
Miki:Your dead Yuko!
Yuko:Grrr...I'll have to use what power I have left for this! (Transforms into her Awakened state) HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Yuko:HAAAAAA!!! (The power up makes the blast powerful enough to end the clash)
Miki:AHHHHHHHH!!!!! No this can't be...AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Yuko:(Panting) I beat her! (Goes back to normal and falls from the sky)
Josh:Yuko! Yuko are you alright?
Yuko:I'm fine it's just...that took everything I had...I'm exhausted...
Zukio:Well looks like we all need rest.
Magilou:Guess so.
Yuko:I'm gonna miss these times.

(They enjoy the rest of the vacation with a sideshow of pics)

(Back at home)

Yuko:Listen everyone the reason why I called you all in here is because...I'm afraid this is...Goodbye.
Josh:What do you mean Yuko?
Yuko:I mean that I'm leaving for a few years.
Kokomi:But why?
Yuko:I'm gonna train myself for a few years in case something like this happens again. I also feel like I need to go on a journey of my own.
Kukai:Then let me go with you please!
Yuko:I'm sorry Kukai but I'm afraid this is something I have to do on my own.
Zukio:Father c'mon your the only one who could stop her from going anywhere!
Magilou:Please make her stay!
Josh:I'm sorry guys but...I'm afraid there's nothing I can do.
Josh:This is a decision Yuko made for herself. And as her father I can't make her change her mind. Yuko if your gonna be gone for all this time then please...Promise me you'll be back and that you'll be careful.
Yuko:I promise Dad.
Kukai:(Kisses Yuko one last time)
Yuko:(Kisses back)
Kukai:I love you Yuko I don't care how far you are I will always love you.
Yuko:(Tears in her eyes) I love you too Kukai.
Zukio:(Hugs Yuko)
Zukio:You better take care of yourself ok?
Yuko:(Hugs back) I will...bro.
Magilou:Please when you get back I'd like to learn more from you.
Yuko:Don't worry Magi. I will train you more.
Kokomi:You take care of yourself ok?
Yuko:I will Mom.
Zedge:(Cries) Yuko! Please stay don't leave! (Sobs)
Yuko:Zedge look at me.
Zedge:(Looks at Yuko with tears in his eyes)
Yuko:I promise that we will reunite ok? For now your in charge of taking care of the family. You take care of Mom, Dad, and everyone else ok?
Yuko:I guess this is it.
Kukai:Yuko wait!
Kukai:(Gives Yuko a locket)
Yuko:(Opens Locket) Its a picture of all of us. I'll treasure it. Zedge I want you to promise me you will continue to live and you will take care of everyone.
Zedge:I promise...(sniffle) I love you Yuko!
Yuko:I love you too little bro. I guess this is it. Goodbye everyone. (Flys off)
Everyone:Goodbye Yuko!

(1 week later)

Kokomi:Hey Josh have you seen Zedge I can't find him anywhere.
Josh:I found him. Look over there.
Kokomi:Huh? (Sees Zedge in front of a picture of his family) What's he doing?
Josh:He's swearing to keep his promise he made to Yuko before she left.
Kokomi:Are you ok?
Josh:I just miss her. Not only was Yuko my daughter. But she was also my best friend.
Kokomi:Aww honey c'mere. (Holds Josh) (Yuko...I hope your alright)
Zedge:Yuko. Mama, Papa, and the others are doing alright and don't worry like I promised you...(Reaches his hand in front of picture) I will live!

                           THE END!

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