Chapter 1:The Begining

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Moongaze was born around the time dark energon was discovered on Earth during the events of Prime, it is unclear when.Megatron knew that there would be threats to over throw him, such as Starscream trying to. He knew to secure his status of Lord, he would need an heir. However, he lacked the mate to do so.

The Warlord decided he would make a deal with Unicorn. In exchange for an heir that looked much like him with gifts of mind reading and strength, they young one would be a servant. A shell of Unicron. Megatron agreed to the terms and thus, Moongaze was born. That was the cover he told his army.She was created on a night with a full moon. However the deal would come with consequences.

The femme had a paint job of deep purple and black. Silver jet wings and red optics.She did resemble her 'Sire' quite a bit. To keep things under wraps, only the inner circle knew the truth. The troops were only told that she was an orphan that had been found.

Knockout and Breakdown were assigned with primarily looking after the heiress. Soundwave was in charge of her protection. The Warlord still checked on her quite a bit.

However, she was sick. The dark energon continuously were poisoning her. Not to mention her mental health as Unicron controlled her regularly. She still fought against it.

Throughout the war she remained a guarded secret. Not even Optimus Prime and his team knew. However her end seemed near. A mistake of Soundwave, a glitch in a groundbridge. Resulting to her freezing in the artic and going into stasis. The dark energon keeping her barely alive. It devastated the Decepticon cause.

Many thought she was dead. One with the Allspark. Until one fateful day when she was found. A chance to start anew.

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