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   "Kel, you have a 10-AM appointment with Mrs. de Guzman regarding the bridal gowns for her daughter," Mia softly reminded her when she arrived that morning.

  "Thank you, Mia," she said and smiled. "Uh, can you please clear my schedule for Friday? I have to visit my Grandma, she's been bugging me for weeks now, asking when will I be home." Kelly groaned playfully as she fumbled through her papers on desk.

  Mia smiled, "sure Kel. I'm sure your Grandma just misses you."

  "Oh I wish! If I didn't know better she'll be welcoming me on our front door with a bachelor in tow!"

  "Funny! Your hometown must be crawling with handsome men."

  "Maybe you should be the one to come home on Friday!" Kelly quipped. "I bet you and Grandma will get along just fine."

  "Sorry Kel but I'm already taken," Mia jokingly said.

  "Geez, Mia! Do you really have to rub it in?"

   The two women laughed as they continue to banter jokes on each other. Amelia Lopez has been Kelly's assistant since the latter started her own wedding planning business. They've been a great team when it comes to planning for weddings.

   Kelly Marciano was twenty-three when she decided to create her own label. She's been an in-demand wedding planner but she felt restricted under a company. So she took a risk, asked for help --financially-- from her relatives and started her own brand.

  "Her Dream Wedding" became famous. And for the last three years Kelly had managed over hundreds of weddings come to life. She has this magical touch, creating fantasies become real. Brides-to-be put their trust in her hands, letting her make the best of their weddings.

  For the last years, Kelly had seen different faces of marriage. She couldn't deny the fact that each time a wedding unfolds before her eyes, a hint of jealousy pierces her heart. Oh how she wished that it would be her walking down that aisle, saying those beautiful vows, and marrying the love of her life.

  A knock on the door made Kelly take her eyes away from her computer. It's ten o'clock and Mia came in announcing Mrs. de Guzman has arrived.

  "I'll be out in a minute, Mia."

  "Okay, Kel." Mia closed the door as Kelly started to scoop her things and started to goout the door. "Good morning, Mrs. de Guzman! I hope you had a nice ride coming here," Kelly smilingly shook the woman's hand.

  "Oh dear, the traffic was unbearable!" She exclaimed. "I had to leave early so I won't be late. Good thing the boutique is just here in this building. I won't have to endure another hour of traffic. God! If not for Krezia's wedding I wouldn't have to leave US! I just couldn't get why my daughter chose to have her marriage here, after all both she and her fiancé works in New York! If only---" the woman continued her tirade as Kelly escorted her out of their office, signaling only to Mia she would be back later. Mia only laughed at her predicament -- being in the company of a very loud client!

  The boutique she recommended to Mrs. de Guzman was only a floor above their office. Kelly tried her best to politely respond with the older woman's rants and stories.

  "Here we are, Ma'am." She guided her inside a large showroom for wedding dresses. This was one of Lavi Faniero's boutique. Lavi is one of the country's sought-after designer. He designs mostly for people from show business, models, and beauty queens. Kelly met him on one of the wedding planning seminars she had attended once. Since then, they've become best of friends.

  "Kelly! Dear, I almost forgot we have an appointment today!" Lavi exclaimed as he kissed her on her cheeks. "My, lovely as always," he said as he checks on her outfit for the day. Kelly was wearing a business suit made by Lavi himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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