it's always been you my love

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I grabbed her hand and kissed it soflty. She blushed and kissed me on the lips gently. I smiled and locked my hand with hers. She was looking at the sunset as I admired her beauty. She looked at me and asked me why I was staring at her. I soflty said, "because your more beautiful then words can describe". She squeezed my hand and layed her head on my shoulder. We both stayed quit staring at the sunset until the stars came out. We layed on the ground looking at the stars. I couldn't help but look at her. She started pointing out stars in a high pitched excited voice I couldn't help but smile. At that moment is when I knew I wanted her to be my forever. We got up and she immidetly hugged me and kissed me on the cheek leaving a lipstick stain. She looked at it and smiled. She smiled as she said "that's how other girls know your mine". I blushed and kissed her neck. I left a hiky and and smirked at her as I said, " that's how other boys know your mine". I opened the car door for her and got into the drivers side. She held my hand as I drove her home. When we got to her house I gave her a kiss and smiled at her and said, " I'll miss you". She punched me in the shoulder playfully, "don't miss me to much" she smirked. I kissed her again saying, " I love you, sleep tight princess". She smiled and said " I love you too, sleep tight my prince". She got out of the car and turned around and waved as she shut the door. As soon as she got in side I put my head against the steering wheel smiling and blushing. I drove home and couldn't stop thinking about her. I texted her making plans for the next day. I smiled as I fell asleep. I really loved her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2019 ⏰

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