Chapter 1: Best Friends

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The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee had ended. The Winner, William Barfeê along with our runner up Olive Ostrovsky looked each other in the eye.

"Um, you did great.." William mumbled, not really sure how to actually compliment someone. Olive giggled, rubbing the back of her neck, she looked at the ground and spoke as loud as she could.

"Thanks but, you won. So you obviously did greater." They shared a short laugh. It was awkward, very awkward. But they were happy.

"So um, it was nice meeting you new friend! I guess we can be like..good companions now? Number 1 and Number 2? Or the 13 to my 11?" Olive smiled, trying her best to keep up the conversation.

"I can tell you've never had a friend before." As rude as it was for him to say it was true. Olive sadly and slowly shook her head, refusing to make eye contact. The smile on William's face returned.

"I'm glad to be the first."

Leaf and Chip watched the two from a far. Leaf personally was happy for them but Chip was just salty in all. Losing the spelling bee. Embarrassing himself infront of the entire crowd- not just the crowd. He embarrassed himself infront of MARIGOLD CONEYBEAR, the girl with the most beautiful sweater in the world.

"Ugh, the 13 to my 11? They're gross." Chip groaned. Leaf glanced at him and smiled, seeing the negative expression on Chip's face. Maybe Leaf could cheer him up.

"Well if it makes you feel any better you can be the 21 to my..." Leaf looked down at his chest after realizing the sign wasn't there anymore he looked at Chip.

"What was my number?"


"Yeah! You can be the 21 to my 17!" Leaf beamed with happiness after finally saying the statement. Chip was however, very confused, the current look of the boy before him made his stomach turn. His face heated up. He had no idea what to do with these feelings. So he just stared, and stared, and looked at the features on Leaf's face.

Why was it so appealing?

"Was your face always this adorable?"

Leaf's smile dropped, not in a bad way but, in a way. Chip realized what he had just said. Leaf's jaw dropped, the only word he could speak was.


"WAS YOUR FACE ALWAYS THIS HORRIBLE IS WHAT I SAID! VIRGINIA ISN'T A COUNTRY AND HOW DO YOU REMEBER MY NUMBER BUT NOT YOURS!?" Chip shouted in a quick panic before rushing off in a direction where he could contemplate life alone. Logainne moved over and sat by Leaf, giving him a look.

"You know he didn't thay horrible, right?" She questioned, obviously not fooled by Chip's protest. Leaf slowly nodded, still not sure how to process all that information that was given. Marcy then cut in.

"Yeah, no one was fooled by that. But he's right, Virginia isn't a country." Now Marcy's statement brought Leaf out of his trance.

"I know, it's a beautiful country!" He giggled, back to his old, less shocked, self. Marcy rolled her eyes, choosing just to let it go. She met Jesus today, she didn't need this.

. . .

The kids decided to stay in touch after the bee, they all liked Spelling so might as well find other things to bond over. Logainne and Marcy were currently having another one of their pointless weekly debates, the whole group got involved and now it's a whole court room debate.

"Order! Order!" Leaf yelled, "Listen up. This week's debate is focused on whether or not Zac Efron deserved the role of Troy in highschool musical. Marcy you may begin." Leaf quietly sat down as Marcy took the stand.

The 27th Annual Putnam County Spelling BeeWhere stories live. Discover now