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I rub my index finger on the paper to give the drawing a softer shadow when Kal opens my bedroom's door.

"I'm going out with some friends, do you wanna come?" He steps inside and looks at my notebook. "That's really good."

"Next time knock on the door, jerk. I could be naked." I face his cheeks getting redder. "I wanna stay home, anyway."

"Steven made me ask you so you kinda have to come. He says you have to make friends in case you stay here after the summer. Because of school, you know?" I can feel my eyes widen so I put down my pencil and clean my hands on a tissue I have next to me. The desk is looking like a mess.

"Let's meet your stupid friends, then." I murmur. Would I stay after the summer? Was my mother really that mad at me?

"Are you naturally this much of a pain or do you try?" He questions, giving me a cute smirk. His brown hair was so messy it was almost beautiful.

"It comes out instinctively." Kal laughs and guides me to the front porch, in which we wait for a random guy to pick us up. 

After brief minutes a black jeep parks in front of us. The tinted windows make me wonder if I'm being abducted or if a famous actor decided to visit a random house in the middle of nowhere. Instead of any of those options, a blonde guy opens the car's rear door and brofists Kal.  I enter after he does.

"This is Sav." Kal annunciates. I make the most boring face I can and hope that no one talks to me.

"The crazy girl? Oh my god." The blonde guy leans forward to see me. "Kal said you're a demon but damn, you can come haunt me anytime and I can help you with your mental health problems."

"Thanks but you look as useful as a knitted condom."

"I like her." The driver says. I see through the mirror that his green eyes are staring at me. "I'm Lewis, the guy there is Luke and this cinnamon roll in the passager sit is my brother Oliver."

"Did I fucking ask?" I cross my arms in front of my chest and take the phone out of my left pocket, noticing once again that no one from Nebraska gives a shit about me.

Oh, why? Maybe because all of them want to see me dead.

As if he was reading my mind, Luke turns his blonde curls on my direction. "Why did you come to Oak?"

"My mother is a bitch, that's why."

"You shouldn't say that." Oliver begins. His voice sounds smoky. "About your mother, I mean."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you had the authority to judge me. Who are you, God?"

"Our mom died. Oliver takes insults to moms very seriously." Lewis informs me while bumping his brother in the shoulder and then returning his hand to the gear shift. "But it was a really long time ago."

"My brother killed himself." I say as if this is a battle to decide which one of us is more miserable. Instead of giving me a prize, Kal turns to me with his eyes so open I'm afraid they'll fall to the ground.

"Steven had a son?" He asks trembly. I answer with a shrug and don't say anything for the rest of the drive. Once we arrive wherever we are going, Lewis stops the car and we all get out, giving me the opportunity to finally see their faces.

Lewis is so tall he might as well be a tower. His green eyes stand below two arched brows. His jawline seems so sharp you could probably slice a pizza with it. Oliver looks just like him, except a bit shorter and with lighter eyes.

Luke's light curls fall on his forehead like rain, almost covering his blue eyes. His dark brown leather jacket looks a bit too big for him but at the same time, it fits his body just right. Once he moves his hand to fix his hair, I notice a couple of tattoos painted on his fingers.

They look just as cool as my friends back in Nebraska, except just a bit hotter. And by a bit I mean, they all look like Greek gods ready to slaughter me as a sacrifice.

I follow them through a narrow alley. "Where are we going?"

"To a bar." Oliver answers my question and winks at me.

"If there's a bar in the middle of this shit hole I'm sure it will be full of crackheads and I'm not sure I wanna join them."

Kal laughs while taking off his jacket and tying it around his waist. "Actually, crackheads look just like your vibe, Sav."

"Oh yeah? Funny to hear that coming from a guy with a Trainspotting T-shirt." I point to his clothes.

At the end of the street, Lewis stops and opens a black metallic door with the words "Ace Card" engraved on it. We walk past a dark hall until we reach another door that exposes us to a small bar with a few pool tables, two dart boards and a navy blue balcony with matching seats. The guy puts the keys he used back in his pocket and turns to me.

"Welcome to Ace Card, it's my bar." His smile looks so proud I would mistake him for a two-year-old who just learned how to potty. "Our bar, actually." He says while putting his left arm around Oliver's shoulders.

"Well, I'm sorry to say your bar has a super big spider on its wall." I tell them and point to the spot where an eight-legged creature spies on us with its multiple eyes.

"Someone kill it!" Kal shouts. He takes a few steps backward and starts to sweat.

My eyebrows get a bit closer together and a grin forms on my lips. "Are you scared of spiders?" Kal pales. His breathing starts to burst in and out.

I grab one cue stick from a table and smack its tip against the spider, crushing its body in between the wall and the wooden bat.

"She's a badass." Luke murmurs.

"She's actually evil." Lewis answers with a laugh.

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