Chapter Nineteen: Guys Being Dudes

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i'm so sorry i had to link this vine rip me. 

      also this gif is literally rin in this entire chapter don't @ me.



"Now, you all know the drill. When we get off the train, the Exwires are gonna meet you all for the first time. Well... Kinda. You've already met, but not for long. So just try to prove to them that I'm a great teacher and I'm not as useless as they think I am." I can't help it. I natter when I'm nervous, and nothing has kicked up this whirlwind of anxiety quite like this before. It been weeks, nearly a month, since I've seen the other Cram Schoolers, and here I am, rocking up like I'm Yukio without the moles and the four eyes.

I guess I just wanna show off for once. Every time we're in a class together, I always end up at the butt end of someone's joke. Yeah, most of the time, I play it off like I'm in on it and agree with everything they're saying. It's just when they tease about the demon stuff that laughing along gets kinda difficult. Still, these people matter more than anything else to me. They're my family.

If these guys screw that up, I'll have even more problems that I've gotta fix.

"You worry too much, teach. We'll tell them how awesome you are!" Kirishima chirps from the back of the cart, pumping a hardened fist in the air. All whilst he's got his other arm slung around Bakugou's shoulders, corralling the grumpy blonde in the corner away from everyone. Awh. Goals.

"Kirishima's right, man. You've got this in the bag," Kaminari hums, nudging me once with his elbow, only to jump away when a small spark leaps towards my ribs. I can't help but wonder if they're all as nervous as I am; the hairs on my arm closest to the zappy boyo are all standing to attention. It's hard to avoid thinking that all their quirks are starting to act out of sheer anxiety. Which is just... Awesome. A train filled with jumpy, superhuman teens all huddled around the son of the demon king. You couldn't make this shit up if you tried, could you?

But, if we weren't all nervous before, we definitely are when the train finally rolls into the station. Instantly, through the glass, the silhouettes of the others become visible, and I swear I feel a lump creep into my throat. Is this really worth it? I can just look at the Kyoto Tower on Google. I've already been there in person, we could just stay on and go right back to True Cross and pretend none of this ever happened, right?

At least until the doors open, and Bon practically throws an arm around me, pulling me off the train and digging his knuckles into my skull. Ow ow ow ow I didn't ask for this!

"Get off me, you damn rooster!" I wail, struggling in his grip for a good five seconds before he lets me go, admiring the mess he's made of my hair. Dick. I'm glad he finds it so funny, his barks of laughter just attracting more and more attention to us.

"See you haven't changed, Okumura," he snorts, quirking a brow. Why is he the way he is? Like, honestly, can someone tell me why he has to act like such a douche at every possible convenience? However, before he can go on to say anything else, I soon hear the sound of my own little class stepping into the station. And all I can do is smirk.

"Oh yeah? Well I've got my own Avengers team so beat that!" I triumphantly snap with a huge, gleaming grin to match. Nobody else really gets the reference, but I honestly couldn't care less; if that looked half as cool as I'm imagining it did, then I'm willing to bet Bon feels like a massive idiot right now.

Well, to say my victory was short-lived would be putting it incredibly lightly; instead of standing behind me like I'm their almighty leader, Class 1A just step forward and start introducing themselves, quickly grouping up with the other Exwires like they've been buds for years. "Wha- Traitors!" I yelp, sternly folding my arms and poking my bottom lip into a pout that makes Shiemi giggle under her breath.

"Sorry, Rin. But your new friends are so cool," she coos, beaming as Koda and Tsuyu huddle around her. Awh man, how can I say no to that smile? As long as Shiemi's happy, I guess I can stomach the smug grin on Bon's features.

"Gotta say, Okumura, she ain't wrong. Got some real tough guys here, huh?" He snorts, arms already draped over Kirishima and Bakugou like he freaking owns them. How the hell are they so buddy buddy all of a sudden?! Like hell this is even remotely fair!

"Only the toughest manly men," Kirishima echoes, beaming a toothy grin and flexing his biceps, hardening them for emphasis. And here I stand, like a lemon, ears flat and features set into an unimpressed scowl. I hate this. I came here, leader of my own mini group of Avengers. Now, I'm hero-less and have been left all on my own. They're all having so much fun. Is it always this easy for normal people to get along with one another?

"Speaking of tough, who wants to go train? There's this awesome dojo not far from here and-"

"-Count me in!" Kirishima barks.

"I'd love to train in a traditional dojo!" Deku chirps.

"Guess it could be cool," Bakugou grunts.

This isn't fair. This isn't fair! Why do they get to be just guys being dudes, but when I'm in the picture, I'm a problem everyone wants to forget?!

"Well whilst you guys go get sweaty, we're gonna go get food," most of the girls hum, clearly already on their way to wherever girls go to get food and talk about guys. Or other girls, I don't judge. Before I can even blink, I'm pretty much alone in the station, watching as everyone I've tried to befriend wanders off. I guess it's good that they're all getting on.

I guess?

"I'm not really a dojo kinda guy." That voice. Like a voice from the damn heavens. Poking his head over my shoulder, Kaminari offers a smile, nudging me gently with the edge of his palm. "And I don't think I wanna get food yet. So... Why don't we go see the Kyoto Tower?"

"Together?" Don't screw this up, Rin. Don't friendzone him again.

"I-I mean if you don't want to it doesn't-" even though he carries on rambling, I zone him out, mind racing. He already thinks I'm gonna say no. He thinks I'm gonna turn him down. I can't do that to him again, not after how painfully oblivious I was the last time he tried to ask me to go somewhere with him. Just him. Listen to what Yukio said. Try it. "-so you really don't have to say yes I was just thinking since everyone else wants to do other stuff I just-"


"Y- Uh- Yeah?"

"I'll go out with you." I hope I never forget the way his eyes light up when I speak those words.

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