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I never realised what nuisance I was inviting when I "agreed" to spend the day with the one and only, Hermes. Needless to say, spending a day with a Greek God sounds fun until you really do spend one.

Hermes made sure to turn my life into a pure living hell, the entire time he was with me.

"Hermes, you do realise, you made me cancel some of my important meetings just to bring me to an amusement park?" I tried to sound as calm as possible, clearly failing to do so as my face turned red while I was fuming with anger. The anger soared even more as he turned around after buying us some candy floss, which was so sweet that it could give anyone diabetes if they took one bite out of it, with the biggest smirk.

"Important meetings you say? Meetings where you were supposed to meet some your lovely coworkers to plan your next heist and ruin people's lives?" He scoffed.

At this point I was beyond furious and it wasn't even halfway through the day.

"Alright, Hermes, shut up. I've had enough of you and your insults. You're talking to me about ruining people's lives as if you guys aren't about to destroy the whole entire universe just because your mighty little asses are bored." I growled.

He walked towards me with the same smirk now even more prominent than before.

"Listen here, love. We created everything you mortals have and we believe that we possess the right to take it all back if we want. You though, you take things from others that aren't yours. But we're not going to talk about it now. Let's enjoy this day! I will try to keep the criticism as low as possible."

I rubbed my temples as a a new wave of irritation took over me and followed Hermes who was going towards some obnoxious ride.

"Are you sure, you want to ride this?" I asked with a hint of confusion in my voice. Now Hermes can be a God for all I know but this is the vikings we're talking about. I don't recall to have any pleasant experiences with this rather ominous ride.

"Absolutely, why not? This looks fun but, Cassie, would you mind explaining why they're screaming their hearts out?" Hermes asked as he pointed towards the people riding the vikings at the moment.

A smirk or more like an evil smirk came across my face. Hermes might be the God of Mischief but how fun would it be to pull off a mischief against the God of mischief himself?

I was a tad bit worried that he was probably pretending to not know the reason for those people's heart wrenching screams. Still I took my chance. You don't get to do this every now and then.

"Oh! That ride is one of the most amazing rides I've ever been on. People get so ecstatic every time they get on that. Hence the scream of joy."

"Oh! Really? Then what are we waiting for? C'mon join me."

Well I didn't see that coming!

"Uh..No, I would rather stay here and watch you have the time of your life or more like time of your eternity?" I wore a nervous smile on my face careful not to sound suspicious.

"Oh! C'mon, it'll be fun like you said".

I don't know about that.

"No, Hermes, seriously you get on it, it's so amazing and gives such pleasures that it takes a while to calm my poor self, every time I get off of it."

He looked a bit unsure but went ahead anyway.

Oh the fun that I am going to have watching him suffer.

When I say fun, I never thought I would be rolling on the floor clutching my stomach as I laughed and laughed. The absolute look of horror on his face after a while, might be the only reason to think this encounter with the Olympian Gods was worth it.

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